Black Cloud forest located in between the High Governance and the Demon Kingdom is segregated into three regions; the inner-outer and the middle region. The inner and outer region is safe for both the Demon Kingdom and High Governance against beasts, but it was different in the Middle region.

Middle region is the residing place of the True Realm and above beasts that are powerful enough to eradicate Robin and his party with a single attack.

"Is what Traz said true?"

"About what?"

"That the middle region, there are Grand Realm beasts. No way right."

Alexis smiling behind her sliver mask maintained silence.

"Hey! tell me"

"Maybe there is. But shouldn't you worry about the True Realm beasts, first?"

Robin looked away from her, turning his eyes towards the several hills towering before them, 'A True Realm beast has three types of magic attack. If I am pushed to that stage, I will just run away.'