Robin sat in the hotel as he went through the Ravaging Rod and his friend's rings.

Then he came upon the news that Rus Family, Revan Family, commodities were robbed by these guys under the order of Black Bull Gang which is a subsidiary gang of Alpha King Gang just like Wolf Fang Gang, So he was planning how to use this information.

But an unknown number kept on calling him repeatedly, 'who the heck this might be'

He had been getting calls from both Alexis and Fick from the morning but he just swiped them out,

'The new number who cares'

But then a thought strikes him,

"What if it was my master or some girl?"

So with that thought, he accepted the call,

"Hello, who is this?"

The opposite side was silent as Revan sat before Rover in his room asking him to talk,

'You talk to him'