The Fight Begins

This is where I stand in front of the door opposite the battlefield and that is where I will fight with him, Itana the king of this kingdom.

when I opened the door, many spectators had arrived and were waiting for me and I kept stepping in while looking around me. In front of me is him, Itana Zonto

When the audience screamed, our fight had begun. Itana suddenly ran towards me and drew his katana sword. He swung it and tore my sleeve. I backed away and kicked his chest, he jumped backwards. I chased him and tried to target his chest with my sword. Suddenly four blades appeared from behind him flying towards me. All four of his blades injured both of my arms and legs. My clothes are torn but I rise up again and fight him back.

I use both of my sword and spear while he use six swords. All of the audience shouted at our battle. I ran towards him and he jump backwards and his four sword flew to me. I began to be distracted by all four of his swords without notice of his location. Then, he appear behind me and strike me down with one hit.

while I was trying to get up, part and part of vision appeared in my head A feelings began to controling me. Feelings of anger and hate. Suddenly, all began to turn dark and what I only see is him in front of me. When his sword flew to me, I hit all of it with one hit and all the four sword fall down. I flew to him with my sword close to his left eye and his froze. All the audience shock and Itana drop both of his sword. He finally surrender and I won the dual battle.