Chapter 8

I walk through the library and just go through the pages of some books one last time. They are old and some pages are about to wear off but what's written inside is still remarkable. There is dust on top of the books.

*Blows*, I blow the dust off from the top of the books and open it. Some are written just like a diary. I put the books back onto the shelves and just roam around the room.

It truly is a large, spacious room. there might be some things I might have yet to discover in this very room but now is not the time. Perhaps that time will never come.

I sit at the desk that is located near one of the window in the room. This is the desk I sit at when I am thinking of something or when I am working on new designs. This is where I sat down to read every single time.

Sitting there, I look outside. I see that it is getting darker outside and it's getting cold. I need to go before I get hungry. So that I don't have to waste time making dinner.

I get up from my desk, "goodbye" I slide my hand across the desk, and to be honest, I felt like staying there.

It has been late and I have been prolonging my departure for so long. It's just that, this all means so much to me and, thinking that I will never be able to see these again is somewhat stressful.

I mentioned that there were lanterns here in this room.

So why are there lanterns all over the place?

The answer to that question is upstairs.

I go upstairs, carrying my suitcase with all the essentials that I need in my daily life. I go up to the door that has the lock with the secret code. "If I read correctly, then..." I try the code that I deciphered from great grandfather's books and turn some levers and, there we go.

"Let's go" I say to myself as I push open the door. *Creeak* the door was screeching loudly as it opened.

I take a step inside and it is pitch black. I look for the light switch and it's not long before I find it. I on the switch and the whole room just brightens up.

"Woah!" I am in awe as I look at the room that has been lit just now. There ae many things on the wall, such as scrolls, equipments, tools etc. And it looks like some sort of a lab but it's a small room to be one.

The suitcase on the wall is opened to be view what is inside. I look at tools that is packed in the suitcase and some are unlike anything I have ever seen.

The scrolls are instructions that are coded, just slightly. There is a desk in the room, I grab the scrolls from the walls and place it on the desk. I take the suitcase and close it and I put it aside for now.

Everything in this room is supposed to go along with me to the other world, at least that is what my great grandfather told in his books. The last descendant of the Linndon family is to take these items and include it in their inventory.

I take the 3scrolls that are on the table and I try to find a connection or anything. There are texts on every scrolls but there are lines in between. Even though the words are there the sentences cannot be completed. If it is like those mysteries then, if I stack them on top of each other then...

They should add up but it's still not clear, I need a light source. The bulb in the room is not enough I suppose, the light from the bulb doesn't seem to work on these scrolls, I wonder why.

What to do? I came up to here and now I have to figure this things out. Unbelievable. I put my hand on the table, *click* huh?

It seems like I clicked on a switch. Suddenly the table started flickering light, "whoa!" I was startled at first but it stopped. "Whoooa!" I am shocked to see that the table is now glowing, but in somewhat green colour, "interesting..."

I take the scrolls and place them on the table, one on top of each other. "Would you look at that?

My family is full of surprises, even after they are long gone" the texts can be seen now. The lines on the scrolls cut off some texts from the other scrolls and leaving just the words that make perfect sense. It is an instruction as usual. But, instructions for what?

Let us start reading. I see that there are holders on the table. I attach the scrolls to the holders and rest my hands on the table. It reads, "Dear Linndon member, i don't know who I am to you but I can say that I am the one who started this tradition in the family." It seems it's written by great grandfather.

I continue reading, "I am sorry for what you had to face in your life but for what it is worth, there awaits a new world for you. A new adventure. A new life. Something that you are prepared for your entire life. You are certainly ready if you have come this far. Now close the door behind you. The code should be known to you by now but after the code pull the livers that is located near the door." I go to the door and do as the instructions told me to.

"Now follow the instructions to use the Linndon crystal but" Oh, "if you are the last of us, then you have to follow different steps. Dear Duero, I am proud to see that you have made it this far." What? How does Great grandfather know my name, "The Linndon family is going to end with you. I'm sure that you made every right decision in every turn in your life. You should know that the whole family is quite proud of you." I'm moved.

What can I say?

I keep on reading, "Here's what you have to do."

"There should be a lantern on the wall near to this room. Only after every procedure is done you can light it. You should be aware of the fact that the lanterns in the library are connected but, what you might not know is that they are connected to this very lantern. Light it and the fire spread to light the lanterns in the library. The lanterns will break once it has been lit, leading to the entire library burning down" whoa. So that is what the lanterns were for. No wonder no one could reach it, let alone even light the thing.