Chapter 16

I feel bad for the girl, she needs to face this situation on her own and can't even fight back to a customer. Why is no one fighting back at this guy or protecting the girl?

I mean I understand that he is too big and have huge muscles but that should not stop anyone from teaching someone as despicable as him a lesson.

I should not interfere but I feel like I should. As something like this is happening right next to my table .... I can't just sit here and do nothing.

The guy has not done anything yet. If I do anything, I would just be starting a fight for no reason. But this is making me furious and quite a lot angry.

" No No No. That will not do. You will need to pay for talking back to ME. " He tries to reach the girl but ....

" Sir, Please. Let her off the hook for now. " Laraye jumps into the situation.

Laraye? What the heck are doing kid? You are not going to stand a chance against the guy.

The guy gets up and so does the people sitting next to him, I guess they are what you call as sidekicks. The big guy who seems to be the boss takes Laraye by the collar. Are they going to beat him up? I have a feeling that they are going to do just that. I feel like I should do something.

They come across the table to go face to face with the kid and one of them walks beside me and bump to my table, making my drink spill on my coat. Must have been an accident but it certainly did not look like one, though.

" Hey, " I call out to him casually, " watch where you are going. " I say while taking a napkin that was place on the side of table by the staff. A little amount of beer had fallen onto my clothes and I try to wipe my clothes with the napkin.

" Huh?! " He seems alarmed to see that I talked to him , " What?! " He turns to me.

" Oh I am so sorry that I spilled your drink on your favourite little fancy coat. " he talks in a small voice trying to mock me. I guess the spilled drink was not an accident huh? I must have mistaken it for an accident.

" I am truly glad that you feel sorry and that you have apologized. " I say as I continue to wipe the beer off of me. it shouldn't be hard to get rid off but it might leave a stain.

" What did you say?! " He seems to be angry now, I wonder if it was because I talked back to him. " How dare you talk back to me? Huh?! " Bingo. I guess I was on point. He grabs me by the collar with his right arm while his other hand is still in his pants pocket.

I feel my anger building up, he's pushing my limits. I clench my fist. I try to keep a cool head and solve this situation in a very good way.

" I would appreciate it if you took your hands off of my collar, please. " I say while looking at him. I hear people talking in the back.

" What does he think he is doing?! He is going to get beaten up. "

" It's Chaedo's sidekick Linfu, one of the best fighters in this nation. "

" Yeah! That guy doesn't seem to know the situation he is in. He is done for I say! Done! "

" Chaedo is going to beat up the kid brutally. I feel sorry for him. "

" I feel sorry for the guy wearing the coat, he is going to get it. "

Thanks for the information that I never asked for, but I am grateful that these guys talk too much. I wonder why though.

All I know is that this Chad or something guy is the big guy in front of Laraye and this guy in front of me is Linfu? Linfo? These are confusing names.

" Um ... Mr. Linfo, would you mind leaving my collar? " I feel tired of repeatedly asking him this same question. If he says no again I am not going to be taking any more of what he says next.

" It's Linfu, you stupid prick. And I will make you remember the name. You should be polite to those who are stronger than you. Didn't your parents ever teach you that? Or where they as stupid as you? " He laughs and so does his fellow teammates.

I gave him a couple of warnings but this stupid guy couldn't even take a single freaking one!

" That's it. " I feel my anger boiling inside my head, I feel my body being restless.

With my right hand I catch his right hand that he's holding my collar with and remove it from my collar, " What the- ?! " He seems to have no clue of what is happening. He is the one who is going to get beaten up.

I put my other hand on his shoulder and BAM.

*Thud* I slam him onto the table, " AAAH! " he lets out a loud scream.

I still have him on a lock with this position. The customers as well as the staff are surprised with this and are left speechless. Maybe they didn't expect this, but I continue to press him on to the table, not letting him move.

He seems to be struggling to get out of the lock position. So I increase the tension and strength and hence increasing the pain he should be feeling.

" Hey, you should know who you are messing with, " I start talking to him.

" Aargh! .... " He screams a little.

" Shhhh ... You should be aware of such pain. You go around hurting people, so you should get a taste of some of your own medicine. Don't you agree? " I don't let him go, " And didn't your parents ever tell you? Never talk bad about another man's family! "

I pull him backwards.

He deserves what is he about to get.