Chapter 33

He again waves his hand over the weapons as he explains about them.

"Well these are some compact special weapons. Forged with multiple elements and fuses with the owner to form the ultimate weapon fitted for the owner." He said.

"So these are long range weapons?" I mean after the whole short range, close combat weapons these should be one of the long range ones right?

"Well different weapons have different attributes, you see. " he starts to explain.

"So these are all not same weapons?"

"No no. These are all different weapons, so that it is easy for you to choose how to go about it. Well your choice here, but be careful now, would not want to hurt one of the Linndons in my shop. Your dad would have my head if he found out I hurt his son." He laughed a little.

"Why would that be? How would I get hurt?" I asked him. A little bit scared too I might add.

"Well that is the interesting thing about these weapons. "