"And to think that I would be having something like back problems other than that of having from working or being old. And that too by fighting a forest monster. How strange does life work huh?"
"And to think that I would need to get serious with a stupid monster that acts and behaves like a mutated tree huh?" I say that to myself as I come to an odd realisation, "wait ..... Now hold up there, something is not right here .... A mutated tree like monster. But monsters like these are normal in this world right?"
*Yes, they are normal I think. I am just as new as you, if you should know.*
Well then Ryo, I think we both have a misunderstanding here. Or maybe it is a misunderstanding on my part to be honest but to clear it up, we might need an advantage.
I focus on my body and, "Ryo, heal"
*On it! Healing the body to it's full potential*