The Sorcerer Has Busy Hands

"I wonder how 51 is holding up," LiAi said as she paced the main hall of the White Lotus Hall.

The sisters have been itching since morning to hear from their brother, but nothing so far. Did LiangLin kill the sorcerer or not? Find a cure to help YaYun? Or was he enjoying the marriage to XueYa?

"You don't think he gave in to that sorcerer?" LiAi suddenly asked, startling LiYue, who was dozing off over the table.

"Huh, what? What happened?" LiYue yawned, fanning herself to keep herself awake.

Her sisters had been too distraught during the night to sleep, and she couldn't sleep either with them roaming around the house like distraught hens.

"We are wondering whether LiangLin stabbed the sorcerer or got stabbed himself," LiChun grumbled from the seat across LiYue. Seeing LiYue's unfaced expression, LiChun's lips thinned. "You seem to be fine with him marrying that sorcerer, sis."

"Er, um..."

Wait, she wasn't supposed to be fine with it? LiYue sat up straighter, tapping the fan on her nose thoughtfully. But baby LiangLin seemed to want to marry XueYa. He had enjoyed climbing the stairs in XueYa's arms. The pleased little smile and adoring eyes were hard to miss.

She didn't think it was appropriate to stop LiangLin if their brother wanted this union. It was his snake and his life, and now that LiangLin got the bracelet back, maybe XueYa could return the snake after the marriage.

The most important thing to LiYue was that LiangLin was happy, and XueYa treated him well. She was only here to support her brother and help him out whenever he needed it. Maybe mince XueYa up like a piece of meat if he dared make LiangLin cry.

the marriage was fine, right? Seeing her sisters expression, LiYue wasn't so sure anymore.

Oh shit, did LiYue mess up?

"We have prepared him with our gifts. There shouldn't be an issue." LiBai reminded them, and LiYue stiffened slightly.

"Yeah, I gave him that knife for self-defence."

"I gave him something to shove up that sorcerer's ass if he tried anything!"

"I gifted him a torturing method to use on that sorcerer. Maybe we will get to wake YaYun and help QingYu sooner."

All eyes fell on the quiet, pale LiYue, who was hiding half her face behind her fan.

"LiYue?" LiBai said, her tone low, and LiYue fidgeted in her chair, itching to run away.

"Um, yes?" LiYue evaded the curious gazes, wishing she could be anywhere else but here.

"Sis," LiAi crept closer, an ominous air pulsating over the room.

LiYue swallowed down her nerves. "W-what is it?"

"What did you give LiangLin as a wedding gift?"

"Um, I-"


"Sis, you gave him a weapon, didn't you?" LiChun said, her eyes thinning.

"Er," LiYue fanned herself as she felt the heat climbing up her cheeks. "I'm sure if LiangLin uses it wisely, he could turn it into a weapon against his hus- I mean - sorcerer."


"LiYue, what did you give him?" LiBai's tone was warning, and LiYue feebly tried to hide behind her fan.


"I... gave him two vials of lubricant oil."


"How the hell is that a weapon?!"


XueYa woke up to a pounding headache. A low groan escaped his dry throat as he tried to move his aching body, but he was stuck. Something was lying over his left arm, curling into his body like a kitten seeking warmth.

With much willpower, XueYa cracked his eyes open and looked at what was blocking his blood from circulating to his fingers.

Without really knowing what had happened during the night, a smile formed on XueYa's lips as he watched LiangLin's peaceful sleeping visage.

Long lashes feathered over the flushed skin, pouty lips were curled into a little pleased smile. XueYa had the urge to lean in, have a little taste of those subtle lips, but he didn't want to break the moment either.

XueYa had never seen LiangLin so peaceful, so vulnerable. There wasn't a hint of defiance, only pleasant calmness.

Then he realised that both of them were stripped down to their undergarments. Their feet entangled together as LiangLin let his head rest over XueYa's shoulder.


XueYa felt his headache subside as a sense of excitement entered his consciousness. Did they do it? Did he tap that ass? Why didn't he remember anything? How could he not remember such a thing?!

Calm. XueYa took in a deep breath to calm his racing mind. He had to think about this logically.

The night before, Yu Zhong had dragged him to drink. Knowing full well he couldn't get drunk with wine alone, he had downed a pill that lowered his inhibitions. Just so he could get drunk faster and return to LiangLin. But the wine had been too strong. It had knocked him out harder than intended.

Probably the sisters messing with the wine, XueYa grimaced as he enveloped his arms around LiangLin, placing a kiss on his hair.

XueYa never got so drunk that he couldn't remember things he had done. But this time, he was so out of it; he doubted he could do anything to LiangLin. There was also this little thought nagging at him, telling him he would be on his way to hell if he tried to force himself on LiangLin in his drunken state.

It was better this way, XueYa decided, drawing circles over LiangLin's back with his fingertips. He wanted to remember everything they experienced together, no drunken regrets.

XueYa's smile turned mischievous as he let his hand draw a line over the curve of the soft, slim waist before he let his palm rest over the firm mound. There was nothing wrong with a little touching and caressing now that they were married. XueYa would make sure LiangLin would grow to crave his touch.

He gave the perky cheek a little squeeze. The firm flesh made XueYa's blood thump in his veins. Every part of his bride was perfect. It was just made for-

"What. Are. You. Doing?" LiangLin's eyes fluttered open, the murder clear in his red-tinted irises. 

XueYa smiled at him despite knowing he was dead meat.

"I'm making sure my love isn't sore from staying in one position too long. A little massage should ease all tenseness-"

XueYa's words cut away as something silver with ragged edges pressed under his chin. LiangLin wasn't kidding around.

XueYa swallowed, as he realised his beautiful bride was aiming for the kill. Where did he even pull the knife from?!

"You have a death wish, don't you, husband?"

"But,my love-"

"If you don't take your busy hands off now, I will press this knife somewhere else and there won't be any little sorcerers rolling around in the future!"