The White Snake Gives an Order

"Is 51 ok?" LiAi whispered over the round table.

"I don't know. He has been aimlessly staring into space ever since that sorcerer left." LiChun hissed back, a crease forming between her brows.

"It has been only a few hours, let him be." LiBai fanned herself, side glancing at their baby brother's lone figure staring over the desolated lotus ponds.

LiangLin had returned to stay by his sisters' side ever since XueYa had left him by the gates to the palace the night before. He wanted to stay in a place that didn't remind him of XueYa. Maybe then his heart could find some peace.

How foolish he was.

There was no escaping the longing for a gentle caress, and the warmth that enveloped him at night. Here in White Lotus Hall, he was always surrounded by his sisters, but his heart was isolated. His eyes cast down over the still surface of the bond, trailing after a pair of koi fish swimming in circles around each other.