The Husky and Her White Snake, LiYue [2]

Zhi ChangNing wasn't sure if she had done something wrong or if LiangLin was taking out his frustration of not having his husband by his side on her. But once morning came, a notice from his highness was slapped on her hand, drawing curious looks from her parents. 

It took her an arm and a leg to hide the order from her mother, while her father only urged her to do whatever was ordered in the scroll.

Zhi ChangNing had hurried out of the house, both excited to meet LiYue but also petrified of what to say or how to act once they were on their own. 

The latter emotion surged tenfold now that the two of them trailed their way down the imperial city side by side. Both looked at all the stalls selling the most colourful trinkets and items varying from hairpins to powder and rouge to small scent pouches - frankly, their eyes were everywhere but on each other.