The Sorcerer Returns

The moment the looming gates to the imperial city of Qui appeared in their field of vision, XueYa sighed of relief. His pace quickened, stone pebbles and sand crunching under his feet as he dashed forward, eager to reunite with his love.

Feng MuLing and Yating were free to roam the city, XueYa had no need for them - yet. With the fox jade, they couldn't hide from him. He could always summon Yating with just the jade alone.

One step into the city and XueYa's road was cut short - the royal guards had been waiting on him since sunrise.

"A welcome party? I'm flattered," XueYa shrugged with a wide smile, but Yu Zhong's towering figure quickly blocked his steps.

What the hell?

XueYa gritted his teeth. His brow twitched as he tried to sidestep the ox, but Xie JingYi moved to cut his route on the right, while Zhi ChangNing shuffled over to his left.

"What are you doing?" XueYa snapped.