Extra: Non-Canon End to CH107 [+18]

T/W: NSFW content

Hello! This is the non-canon ending to chapter 107. Do not read unless you want the non-canon [rough] smut. Since I ended up writing it, I thought why not share, even though it didn't fit into the story, characters or the plotline,

AND I want to state that I strongly do not condone rough/careless sex where one or both of the two end up getting hurt.

The scene starts right after LiangLin reached his climax in c107.

P.S. This chapter does not affect the plot in any way or form, it is just a 'what if' the two of them went all the way!


"Mm~?" LiangLin mumbled as his back hid a hard, cold surface.

XueYa had propped him against the wall. The map spread out behind him, cushioning the delicate skin of his back against the flaking wood.

XueYa leaned his palms against the wall, pulling LiangLin's knees up with him. His feet dangled in the air, his body spread open for XueYa.