The Deal

LiangLin's eyes fluttered open, and the hazy moonlight greeted him in the darkness. XueYa's warmth still lingered over the bedsheets, but the man himself was nowhere to be seen.

A pleasant soreness drummed through his body as a reminder of his wanton ways - but that wasn't what had awakened LiangLin from his deep slumber.

The air was cold, his breath coming out in visible puffs of air. A low thumping noise came from beneath the floor. Muffled footsteps ran around the room below, and LiangLin sat up, pulling the covers over his shoulders to shield him against the cold.

A loud 'boom' sounded, and as LiangLin jumped up on his feet, the window froze over, before crackling ominously and shattered – sharp pieces of glasses and ice rained over him, and he covered his face, shielding his eyes for the incoming assault.