Like an Uncle

"Boss-!" Tao cried out - but too late.

LiangLin's other foot met the old man's face, sending him off the boat and into the sea.

"Kiss my foot, geezer!" LiangLin hissed, baring his fangs as he climbed up, cursing under his breath. As if he would let any man feel him up and grab him however they wanted!

"Ah! Boss, why did you kick him?!" Tao hurried over the edge, peering down into the water. The boat was still rocking violently from the sudden disturbance a moment ago, when the man resurfaced, sputtering water all over.

"You-" The old man heaved, taking hold of his boat to keep him from sinking. "Kicked me."

"You touched me," LiangLin countered, straightening his robes idly, with a little pleased smile on his lips.

In Hei'ang, he had to endure all the groping from the customers, but here, he no longer was a worker. He would break an arm or a neck if some sleazy old fart went to touch him out of nowhere!