
XueYa had hastily pulled his robes on with LiangLin's help before the two rushed out and down the lower deck. Lanterns swayed in tune with the ship, and in the far back of the crew's sleeping area, a makeshift bed was set up and Mang HuaZhen was seated nearby, looking over the figure.

The air was warm, and despite it being stale, it wasn't as damp and freezing as before.

Sheng Hai was awake, but as the two crept closer, XueYa could tell all was not well. The already pale and sickly cheeks hugged bone. The stubble that naturally shadowed the angular chin had now overgrown like weeds, dotting Sheng Hai's cheeks in uneven patches. Deep-set eyes looked lifeless as they met XueYa's gaze.

"Hai-" XueYa crouched down on the floor, looking over his friend's weary body. The fingertips that peaked from under the covers had darkened, the nails chipped and turning purplish-blue. "What happened to you?"