First Snow

A terrible sense of guilt weighed down on XueYa like bricks - not just only from LiangLin hitting the bullseye like a veteran, but also because he was caught on his intentions before he could even try and come up with an excuse or explanation. 

"I was going to tell you," XueYa said, keeping his voice steady and as truthful as possible. 

When LiangLin said nothing, only chewing down on his lower lip, XueYa stepped closer, pulling the snake god into his arms. LiangLin turned his face to the side but didn't try to push XueYa away - thankfully. 

XueYa warmed LiangLin up with his body heat, shielding LiangLin from the icy wind.

"Were you planning to tell me now, or after you come back?" LiangLin's sharp tone promised murder and suffering and XueYa mentally cursed himself. His lover was getting awfully tuned into his doings and thoughts.

"I just want to keep my love out of harm's way-"

"So, out of your way then?"