The Cat and his White Rabbit, Tu ShuYin [1]

Puffs of warm air filled the cold room as Tu ShuYin rested his cheek against the ice, his eyes lingering over the still figure trapped within. 

XueYa had folded Sheng Hai's arms over his chest, the black veins prominent as they traced along Sheng Hai's arm, drawing lines over his throat and across his gaunt features.

He looked too peaceful.

There was no melancholy or regret marring the handsome features. Still, Tu ShuYin wanted to see it once more, how the deep-set eyes filled with guilt when they met his gaze. 

"I won't allow you to die, Sheng Hai. I haven't forgiven you yet," Tu ShuYin's lips trembled, his fingers scraping at the ice. "I hate you - can you hear me? You have to live to grovel at my feet, beg for my forgiveness like you said you would."

But Sheng Hai couldn't hear him from within the ice or watch how tears slowly brimmed the red rims of Tu ShuYin's eyes, before dripping down the red-tinted cheeks.