Far Apart

To LiangLin's relief, neither of the pregnant mates had tried to off each other during these couple of days that they have been staying together.

Not even after YaYun and Feng MuLing had been busy arranging the burial for Sheng Hao and finding a place for Tu ShuYin to stay in for now.

His sisters had been too busy hunting down the rooster-shifter to make a chicken stew out of him to spend time with him, so LiangLin was stuck here, pushing the two pregnant mates on the swing.

Thankfully, Xie JingYi had arrived just the night before, explaining his reason for disappearing and not sending any letters to LiChun.

He had wanted the proposal to be a surprise - but he was chased off by madam She wielding a cleaver, while master She merely chuckled with glee.

Master She was happy to get more fellow sufferers to share his small space in the kitchen - the more the merrier!