Look in The Eyes

[If he leaves you alone after you return the pearl, it means he had impure intentions.]

Tao sighed as he leaned over the railing of the upper deck, watching the sun slowly make its way towards the horizon. An hour or two more, and the sun would disappear from this earth once more. 

Most of the crew had wandered into the city, looking for a place to stay in. Only a few stayed behind, playing cards below the deck. 

Zhou stumbled up the steps from time to time, to pick up more liquor and to holler at Tao to come down and drink with them. But each time Tao had turned him down, too on edge to enjoy his momentary freedom.

What if he would never see the merman again after returning this pearl? 

It was silly, and Tao knew it. Still, he kept rolling the pearl between his fingers, unwilling to call for the merman and returned it to him.