Come With

LiangLin woke up to the comfortable silence. The usual warmth by his side was missing, but he didn't register it right away.

Slowly, he blinked his eyes open, enjoying the moment as he lingered between the dreamland and reality.

The sunlight streamed through the canvas windows, highlighting the dust particles slowly swirling in the air.

The bed was enormous.

LiangLin frowned, stretching his limbs to get the blood flowing.

Something was missing.

A yawn fell from his lips, catching LiangLin by surprise, and he fell still, contemplating the silence.

Where was XueYa?

All sense of fatigue and lingering sleepiness disappeared in an instant as he shot up from the bed, his feet entangling with the bedsheets. With a struggle, he kicked himself free. Uncaring that he was still in his undergarments, LiangLin stumbled out of the sleeping quarters to look for the runaway husband.

"Morning, my love."