6: Liu ShiShui

Liu ShiShui was a tall man, eyes slanted like that of a phoenix, irises so dark they seemed to reflect the depths of the ocean, a hint of blue showing when he glanced towards the light. His skin was as smooth as freshly bloomed cherry blossoms, lips dark red, alluring, yet he always kept it in a thin, grave line. 

Light blue robes fluttered as he stepped inside the teahouse, his hair pulled back with a white bow, showing off his defined jawline and high cheekbones. With Tao walking beside him, his presence only grew heavier. 

While his older brother was light in his steps, carefree in his movements, Liu ShiShui walked with purpose, spoke with carefully chosen words- in short, he was already walking around with a figurative pole up his ass just at the prime age of twenty.

"Oh," Liu Ximeng said with a smile that crinkled the scars over his eyes. "You are back early."