Stuck in a T-Rex's Stomach... oh a System

It may seem like only a second has passed but I'm sure it was longer than that.

I don't know how I'm alive but one thing is for sure. After being eating and crushed into a paste by that T-Rex he swallowed me into his stomach hoping to digest me. Somehow though I end up healing and coming back alive again.

Currently, I am floating within what I can only consider being stomach acid. I am surrounded by the bodies of countless creatures and plants watching them slowly melt away. To appease the endless sense of hunger and thirst I did what any sane man would do. I started to eat those corpses and plants and drink the stomach acid. I think because of what I can only assume to be regeneration powers. My body has adapted to the acid to not melt and if any of these plants are poisonous my body seems to have adapted to that.

At first many of the plants gave me headaches, stomach pains, melting flesh, itchiness, loss of senses, and more. Now they all taste good which surprises me because I was someone who only ate meat, cheese, and bread. I was the definition of pickiness. But I guess constant pain that can consume your soul can change anyone.

Anyways, After living here awhile I seem to have amassed a wide range of knowledge because I now know what plants are poisonous and have experienced many animals and beasts of all shapes and sizes.

Also to now that I have time to think how the fuck did I get here.

For one second I was in a car accident and on the verge of dying. The next second I'm in a world that I can only guess to be in a very primal state with the ability to not be able to die.

I feel like I'm in a fantasy world all of a sudden and I can now call out a System.

[Name: Vagus Wanderer

[Race: Human, I think?

[Class: None for now

[Level: 1/10] [Weak as Hell] [XP: 0/100] [Status: Full, Sane Insanity]

[Strength: Stronger than the Average Human, but your trash who doesn't know how to use your strength.

[Endurance: You can't die, but you can get beaten up very easily.

[Dexterity: Faster than the Average Human, but your trash who doesn't know how to use your speed.

[Intellegence: Above Average intelligence, you just don't use it.

[Magic: It's there you just don't know how to use it. Trash.

[Charisma: Hmm you decent

[Luck: It's good and bad, depends on the mood.

[Unique Skills: [Analysis]

[Unique Skills: [Immortal Body]

[Unique Skills: [Earth Knowledge on Skills]


Ummm, why is my system a dick?

Hello? anyone care to explain.

Usually, systems are emotionless or don't speak at all but why is mine a dick. Also, why are my stats words? shouldn't they be you know... numbers.

Anyways, by looking at my skills I can pretty much guess why I can't die. It seems I have a unique skill called [Immortal Body] anyways seeing how I have a [Analysis] skill I might have well figure out what the [Immortal Body] skill does

'Analyze [Immortal Body'

Supernatural Regeneration: You can regenerate from anything. Can regenerate lost limbs, organs, and more. Side Effect: acquires Unique Skill: [Adaptability]

Immortal: You are ageless. After reaching the stage of maturity of your species, you stop aging and can live for eternity, lifespan is not a concept for you.

Oh damn.

That's Op.

Like really fucking overpowered.

So I can essentially never die.



Also, what is this [Adaptability] skill?

Adaptability: Because of your ability to constantly regenerate your body is able to adapt to everything easier. You are also able to pick up skills easier.

Now that my find is a very nice ability.

but wait if I can adapt easily then why don't I have like hunger and thirst resistance?

Ummmm how do I turn it on? do I just say turn on?

You have got to be kidding me.

Your telling me that I suffered from all of that gained nothing JUST BECAUSE I HAD THE ABILITY OFF!!


Your curses have power and can damage an opponent mentally

You cannot be poison. Poison now has nice flavors.

You fear nothing except what you want to fear.

Acid can no longer damage you.

You do not need food to sustain yourself anymore. The ambient mana in the world will be used to feed yourself. If you do consume food you will still have to defecate.

You do not need water to sustain yourself anymore. The ambient mana in the world will be used to feed yourself. If you do consume water you will still have to pee.

You do not feel pain. You will only feel pain if you subconsciously need or want to feel it. The pain will also be chosen to the amount you want.

Currently, you cannot become controlled by your insanity.

Immediately after those messages, extreme comfort ran throughout my body. Now all of the pain seems to have vanished while all my movements seem to become incomparably smoother.

Suddenly out of nowhere knowledge on all of earth's curses from all languages appear in my mind from gamer slang to comedic jokes, to even inside curses between friends.



