CH. 6: The First Quest For Money

After the first few ants Akao didn't know how that this quest would end. Akao was traveling for about an hour before finding about three all together. Akao took three arrows and lined them up on the bow then he shot. The first two arrows hit but the one on the left missed. Akao hit the one on the right in the eye and hit the one in the middle in the leg. Akao quickly positioned himself behind a tree and grabbed an arrow and aimed for the skinny piece connecting the head to the body.

Akao was hoping it was going to separate the head from the body. Akao shot and it almost worked the ants body is very hard. The arrow went around maybe one fouth of the way through. The ant seemed to be in pain so if Akao did that to the other ants maybe it will slow them down.

Akao shot at both ants and hit them both in the spot he hit the first ant. The three ants were now in enough pain that they all were moving a lot slower then they normally do. Akao reached into his storage and grabbed a one handed shortsword. Thankfully Rose left at the end of the other battle. Akao ran towards the ants first striking the one in the center right in the center or a little off from the center. Akao then ran to the ant on the right because it was closer. Akao stuck the ant right through the area he hit with the arrow decapitating the ant. Then Akao ran towards the ant on the left. Akao struck the ant in the eye into its brain. The ant was still moving a little then Akao decapitated the ant. Akao then grabbed all materials from all three ants. Akao is currently at six ants killed and resources collected he still needs four more to finish the quest.