CH. 9: Testing Out Some Of Akao's Abilities

The first thing listed on Akao's abilities list in the basic section is fire ball. Akao then brought his hand straight out and imagined him saying fire ball in his head. After Akao imagined it a fire ball appeared and shot from his hand. Akao practiced with that for a while until the fire ball grew big enough to his liking. Akao then looked back under the basic section and looked for the second magic ability.

The second ability under basic was air blast. Akao then did the exact same thing he did with fire ball. The only difference was instead of Akao imagining himself saying fire ball it was air blast. Then a gust of wind came and left. Akao then set up a leftover soccer ball in the place he would fire it at. Akao then used air blast and blow the soccer ball away. Akao then practiced that ability until the wind was able to pop the soccer ball.

Akao then look for the third ability in the basic section. The ability was called water wall Akao then did the same thing with the other abilities. A thin wall of water apeared and pushed forward. After Akao saw that he was ready to practice making the wall thicker and faster.

By the time Akao finished it was two in the morning. Akao then stopped practicing for the night and went to bed. After Akao woke up he went straight back into the empty room to continue checking his abilities. Well Akao would of liked to but Rose knocked on the door the moment he was about to go. Akao said "hi Rose what are you doing here." Rose said "I am here to ask where you were last night." Akao asked "did you come and check on me last night." She said "yes I wanted see if you were..." Akao said "if I was what." She said hastly "if you were wanting to do the magic affinity test." Akao said "I would love to that would help a lot."

They then took a trip to a small shop. There was an old lady at the desk with a clear ball. The old lady "just put your hands on this ball." Akai then put both hands on the ball. The clear ball showed a lot of different colored circles. The lady and Rose looked shocked. Akao asked "what is it broken." The old lady said "no this has never happened before." Akao said "what hasn't happened before." The old lady said "you are the first person to be able to use all elements." Akao said "oh guess i'm lucky then." She said "yes extremely."

She then brought out a pitch black ball. The old lady said "this is going to test the amount of mana you can hold." Akao then put both of my hands on the ball. The ball started to light up more and more. Then the ball shattered and a piece flew off and stuck in the wall. The old lady seemed surprised again along with Rose. Akao then assumed that was also not supposed to happen. Akao then said "Is that good." Akao didn't think that he would have something that most people didn't.