I woke up the next morning and went to the living room to grab the gear I left. As I walk in I notice Ramla sleeping on the couch. I quickly and quietly grabbed my gear and walked out. I then went outside to start working on blueprints for a new vehicle for transportation.
Before I got started I decided to make a concrete road. I and a big clear concrete square so I can test. I decided to go really old with the first vehicle and started to plan to make the 1886 Benz Motor Car. First I worked on the basic model of the car because it had a very simple three wheel design.
When I finished the model it was already basically night with a few hour remaining in the day. When went inside I saw Ramla in the kitchen and Dev in the living room. I said "your still here Ramla?" She replied "I decided to stay a while longer." I said "oh I see." I saw that Ramla was cooking a strange meat. I asked "what are you making?" Ramla said "I'm making bull rabbit steak." I asked "what's a bull rabbit?" She replied "It's a rabbit with bull features the main bull feature is the horns on its head." I said "ok."
I went to the living room and Dev asked "why were you out so late?" I replied "I was working on a few things that I think will be helpful." Dev said "ok understandable." Ramla then came into the living room and said "I put the food at the table you going to come eat." I replied "yeah I'm coming." Dev then got up and we all went to the dinning room to eat. It tasted much better then I was expecting.
I then went to bed so I could get an early start to the day. When I woke up I heard a loud gust of wind from outside. I ran out and looked up and saw a big red dragon flying towards a big mountain not to far from my house. Ramla came out and saw it to and said "That's a lucky sight." I said "It looks really strong thankfully it doesn't want a snack." Dev said "it looks really cool."
After that we all went about our day. When I opened the warehouse I realized I have no idea how to build an engine. I thought to myself 'I haven't gone back to my original home in a while I'll go back and look up engine basics.' I then returned through a portal and went straight to my PC. I grabbed a notebook and started to take notes and draw detailed pictures of important parts.
I then went back and drew how the engine in this car looked and wrote the materials I needed to find. I had the majority of the things needed but I need gas and that's basically it. The engine was quite easy to make, but I can't test it until I get gas so I'll have to wait until tomorrow.