Chapter 13: The king disappeared.

"I shall ready the Carriage sir," Zerriss said as he bows down and went outside, he continued "The king needs to go to the western kingdom of Hariom, please ready yourselves," he said to the personal chauffeur of Alistor.

"Right away sir!" The chauffeurs said and readies the carriage as fast as they can.

Zerriss went back to the castle and fetched Alistor and Micreal, as he went to the castle hall and looked at the agenda for today and as he looks at the throne, they were no-where to be found.

"AHHH!!!" Alistor and Micreal screamed as they were sucked in by a mysterious beam of light.

"Sir, the carriage is....ready..." Zerriss looked at the throne and they were not there, he continued "Uhh...Your highness? Master Al! Where are you?! Sir Micreal? C'mon this is not a game " he looked everywhere for Alistor and Micreal, to the courtyard, in his bedroom, in the garden, on the top of the tower, they were nowhere to be found. He continued "It's okay, it's okay, there is nothing to be worried about its just the king disappeared with his butler no big deal....." Zerriss then crouches down and trembles as he biting his thumb, as he continues "The king disappeared..... I must gather a meeting right away."

Zerriss returned to the castle and calls the 7 servants of Alistor, they were called 'Shadow Generals' and it was an emergency meeting, they met in the usual round table in the middle and a chandelier on the top hanging, they were gathered there as if it was a strategy meeting.

"Thank you all for coming this afternoon..." Zerriss said as he spreads his hand on to the table.

"C'mon Zerriss, I had something important going on..." Schannille said with a very seductive voice. Schannille, 7th General from the west side of the kingdom, a very seductive woman who loves teasing men, but has great power in her.

"Let's hear what he has to say Schannille, don't get too seductive now." Khalaurel said as he crosses his arms. Khalaurel, the 6th General of the East side of the kingdom, a very Intelligent guy who Alistor trusts, who is always calm in every situation.

"Hah! You're like a puny insect Khal, for a demon like you" Bomendar said as he laughs with his giant sword behind him. Bomendar, the 5th general of the North side of the kingdom. A big strong man with big muscles with his big paladin sword. As Khal grouches at him with a distinct eye.

"Now, Let's not get hasty everyone, this is a meeting something is wrong or we are going to discuss some things, we don't need to fight," Caleth said as he puts his wand and books aside on the table. Caleth, the 4th General of the South side of the kingdom, a very Informative person who can easily make a strategy right away.

"You all need wisdom from the Dark Magic," Litoris said as her eyes were closed like an intelligent person. Litoris, the 3rd General of the Northwest side of the kingdom, A girl who likes dark magic like Alistor's shadow powers, and known to be a great wizard.

"I'm sleepy...." The yawning Shammock said as he hugs his pillow. Shammock, the 2nd General of the Southwest side of the kingdom, a lazy small guy, who loves sleeping but great in power.

"Everyone, Quiet down, we have an emergency going on, it is really urgent to find a solution to this," Zerriss said as he looks at all the generals. Zerriss, 1st General of the southeast side of the kingdom. the first general who sparred with Alistor and was still defeated, but he didn't lose faith to himself, but he is really kind and easily scared when caught off guard.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Khalaurel asked Zerriss.

"The problem is....the king disappeared..." Zerriss said as he slowly replies Khal to his question.

"WHAT?!" All the generals were shocked as they heard the news.

"Well, This is a problem" Calleth said as he calms down.

The 7 Generals didn't know what to do, they panicked a little and was getting noisy.

"I'm sleepy, I want to sleep," Shammock said as he hugs his pillow.

"Everyone Calm down..." Zerriss said as he raised his voice to got everyone's attention, he continued "...We must think wisely, the king disappeared without a trace, we must think like him, what would he do in this situation if someone close to him disappeared?"

"I guess we can't let this go to the public," Khalaurel suggested, and he continued "If the public knows about this, it will cause a panic and our kingdom will be prone to war since his majesty is not here we can't let this information get leaked."

"That would be a good idea Khal, we must hide this information at all cost. Litoris do you have a spell or magic that can track the king?" Zerriss said as he asks Litoris.

"I may have a spell, but it will take a while to prepare, but I will prepare it at once, the wisdom of the dark arts depends on it." Litoris said as she agreed to Zerriss to cooperate.

Zerriss nods and said "Ok, Everyone else act natural, don't get too suspicious and don't panic, demons are sensitive to another panicking, it will cause a chain reaction. Ok, that's all I have to say, act natural, don't get suspicious and that's all. This meeting is dismissed", as everyone gets out from their chair, he called Calleth, and Calleth went to Zerriss, as he whispered "I have a tiny job for you Calleth, please make sure not to leak any information, use magic if any mean necessary, Litoris and I will find the whereabouts of the king, Got it?" Calleth nods and went outside with the other generals, Zerriss looked at the window and thought to himself "Sire, where are you??"

[Back to Alistor and Micreal, Present time]

Alistor, Micreal, and Nao were walking along the road and Nao was sitting on the back of Alistors head, as she was a kid again.

"Hachooo" Alistor sneezes and sniffs.

"Do you have a cold sir?" Micreal looked at Alistor and asked while walking.

"No, it's just a random sneeze, or someone is talking about me behind my back..." Alistor said as he wipes off a bit of snot in his with his handkerchief.

"It is possible sometimes sir, but who could it be?" Micreal asked.

"Who cares, maybe it's just a random sneeze after all," Alistor said as he shrugs.

Nao was happily humming by the back of Alistors head and was excited about the new journey with her newfound family. She randomly asked, "Al, did you had someone you like before?"

"Hmmm, Do I have someone I like..." Alistor thought while holding her feet on his shoulders, he continued "Yes, I did, it was way back then, I don't know how many years it was but I do yes."

"What was she like?" Nao asks.

"hmm, she was pretty, very pretty, she knew magic, she was annoying, had very long hair and she was kind to me even though I was selfish at times and I trained very hard to be like her, it almost was like it was forced," Alistor said as he giggles and looks down the dirt path as he smiled. and he remembers from his memory " Did I do it, Master?" young Alistor said while he shows her a small mana ball, "Yes, you did, very well done Al" As she patted Alistor on the head and Alistor smiled. He thought to himself "How many years has it been Master?"

"She must be a very kind person," Nao said as she looks at Alistor from above and Alistor looked at her back, As Micreal silently watches them from the back.

"That's enough about me, how about you? do you have someone you like?" Alistor said as he asked her.

"Yes, he is very tall, very handsome and wears a suit, he is very powerful and very kind to me, and he helped me from the big bad bullies," Nao said as she smiles.

"Huh, I wonder who that could be...Do you know Micreal?" Alistor said as he asked Micreal.

"No sir, I don't, I wonder who could that be also..." Micreal replied and smiles.

As they walk on the dirt road, they saw a city with big ships parked and they were reaching the harbor, and Alistor then slowly let Nao down, and said "We are here, the Harbor of Hamden"

They went to the harbor and saw many sellers with their fish and all the other kinds of seafood, from left to right, they saw many things and went to look for a place to stay.

"One night for the three of us," Alistor said as he tells the lady at the counter.

"That would be three silvers thank you." the lady at the counter said to Alistor, as Alistor gave her three silvers and went upstairs to their room, the room was clean, and there were two beds and 1 window on the middle with a pot of flower.

"May I ask permission to scout the harbor sir?" Micreal said as he bows down with his left hand placed on his chest.

"Yes, get some supplies while you're at it, tomorrow we are sailing across the sea," Alistor said as he agrees to Micreal.

"What are we gonna do Al?" Nao said as she wiggled the hand of Alistor.

"We will have to look at the boats we are going to use tomorrow," Alistor said to Nao and he saw a faint cloak of a shadow figure disappearing from sight. He continued "On second thought, Nao please help Micreal do shopping, I'll catch up with you."

Then Nao returned back into a teenager again, she said "Where are we?"

"We are in the Harbor Miss Nao, we have arrived" Micreal answers her question.

"Nao, please help Micreal do shopping, I have business to attend to," Alistor said as Nao nods in response.

The shadow figure runs in an Alley and Alistor Catches up with her, Alistor then said "Don't leave the party yet, it only had begun."

[Chapter 12 End]