Chapter 18: Standare Island.

They went outside the Mansion and Blyze took them for a tour around the town, it there wasn't really new to it, it's just like an ordinary town like no other. Blyze and the others chat about themselves and were laughing happily as Alistor and Micreal follows them around, but Alistor had a feeling, the feeling of another shadow entity lurking around the corners, he didn't tell the others that they were followed, but his senses tingled left and right, as the entity jumps above the crowds without anyone noticing, as Alistor remains quiet, he telepathically tells Micreal.

"You feel that Micreal?" Alistor said while walking with a straight face.

"Yes Sir, I'm picking the feeling that you're feeling, what is it supposed to be?" Micreal replies to Alistor and asked.

"I don't know, it has no heart, it's just a shadow actually, following us" Alistor said while walking with a straight face

"I think it is following us because of you sir, maybe it has some business with you." Micreal said to Alistor telepathically.

"hey...." Nao calls them.

"Maybe, I just need to find out. Be on guard at all costs." Alistor replied to Micreal, as they were telepathically talking to each other, Nao then interrupts them.

"HEY! Im talking to you two" Nao shouts at them so that she could get their attention.

"Yes?!" Alistor replied to Nao as he was surprised.

"What's with the serious face?" Nao said while pointing her finger at them.

"It's nothing, Miss Nao. So what are you about to say?" Micreal lifts his palms in the middle waving as if nothing happened.

"Really?" Nao said and bends down to look at them more closely and she was suspicious at them.

"It's nothing really, hehehe" Alistor said as if he was hiding something from her while he smiles.

As Nao sighs, she asks "We are about to eat lunch wanna come?"

"That would be lovely." as Alistor bows and looks at Micreal with his eyes and Micreal nods.

Later, they ate lunch after roamed around the town, it was very festive and joyous, while Micreal finds an opportunity to let Alistor sneak out behind them. Micreal waited for several moments, and finally, they found an opportunity to sneak out.

Micreal says to everyone, "Well, everyone there is a nice place I wanna go, can you come with me?", then Micreal nods to Alistor and Alistor nods in response, and slowly went sneaks away behind the bush.

Everyone looks at Micreal then Blyze said "Wanna buy something, Why don't I treat you?"

"No, No, I have my own money, it's quite alright." As Micreal replied to Blyze, and Alistor successfully sneaks away.

"Alright, where is this nice place?" Blyze asks.

"It's in the other part of town...." Micreal then leads them away and goes to this nice place, while Alistor was walking away from the group, he went to an alleyway away from the crowd, he was stopped by Nao.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nao asks him from behind while putting her hands on both of her waists, Alistor then turns pauses and turns around, she continued "I knew something fishy was going on."

"I guess, you found out." Alistor then scratches behind his head and said "There is something following us."

"Following us? Who?" Nao asked as she puts her hands away from her hips.

"That thing behind you." Alistor points behind Nao, and it grabbed Nao's shoulders.

"Eeep!!" Nao then shivers as it touched her and runs behind Alistor, she continued "What is that?"

Alistor and Nao saw a shadow that was covered in smoke and was emitting smoke as it walks, then it takes shape of a random citizen that wears leather shoes and white pants, and a dirty brown t-shirt.

"Who are you?" Alistor asked it as it took shape of a human.

It smiled and opens both of his palms, then appeared a letter wanting it to be taken by Alistor. Alistor looked at him and takes the letter, then it smiled again as it disperses.

"What was that?" Nao asks.

"I don't know, but it wants to take us somewhere with this letter." Alistor then turned the paper around, looking at it closely, it is just an old brown envelope with a red seal, then finally he opens it, and the letter glowed then Nao and Alistor was sucked and little by little.

"Agh, not again" Alistor said with an expressionless face as he closed his eyes and flattens his mouth, Nao then looks at her hands and they were sucked in completely. Before they were sucked in, Nao then tries to grab the shoulder of Alistor and was sucked in. Before they knew it, they were laying with grass around them and the tree's all around

Nao shakes her head and shouts "Alistor! Where are you?" then she shrinks into a 10-year-old.

"Here." Alistor then sits up and touches his head, and Nao then suddenly hugs Alistor tearing up, as her clothes were too big for her and tell her while she tears up, let's change your clothes, Alistor then uses the surroundings as a material and thought "there is fiber everywhere, I can make clothes out of this" and grabs leaves and retexturizes it into child clothes.

[Talent Used: Atom crafting, This is used when Alistor has no materials and he depends on the environment, he picks up any materials and he breaks the atoms of the material and connects them back into something useful e.g leaves to clothes.]

Alistor made Nao child clothes as he saw the clothes of her other self, he picks it up and had an expressionless face as he picks up her panties and carries on, he said to Nao "It must have been sudden for you." Then Alistor strokes her hair and continued "Don't worry, I'll protect you." and Nao nods as Alistor stands up and picks up Nao, she was surprisingly light, compared to her other self, and Nao hugs Alistor out of fear, then Alistor pats her back. Alistor looked around and saw a path, and he followed it. As they walk the path led to a house, it had a chimney that was letting smokes pass and a porch with a rocking chair, they went close to this house and knocks on the door as Alistor was carrying Nao and said "Hello?"

Then an Old man with glasses opened the door as the door rings, he flinched a bit and said "Hello, welcome."

"Do you know where is this place?" Alistor asked the old man.

"Yes, please come in." The old man opens the door widely.

"Thank you," Alistor replied to him and sat on the chair, as he let Nao sit beside him and thought "I didn't expect this to happen."

"You are in the middle of life and death." The old man said to Alistor and he prepares them hot coco and gives it to them.

"Life and Death?" Alistor wonders.

"Yes." The old man then sits down across them.

"So we are dead?" Alistor asked the old man.

"No you are not, it's just your spirit is in this place." The old man replied.

"How about our bodies?" Alistor asked again.

"It's fine, your bodies should be back in the mansion, sleeping soundly" the old man said to Alistor, and the person who gave them the letter brought them back.

As Alistor sighed from relief, he then asks "So why are we brought here, we are not dead

"Young ones have so many questions nowadays." the old man smiled and said "I invited you here, I am Zarion Sheathfield, the shadow element from the legends book," As the old man suddenly introduces himself.

"The...shadow element?!..." Alistor was shocked as he finches.

[Chapter 18 end.]