

Henry- My head!!?

Sera- Ouch?

Selena- I think I fractured two of my ribs.

Celeste- What was that thing who attacked us?

Brook- You guys finally awake, y'all been there for hours.

Henry- Where's the monster Brook?

Brook- Oh Derek? don't worry about it we're never see him again but I do have good news.

Sera- Derek?

Henry- Huhhh?

Selena- you're friends with the monster?

Celeste- Good newsss?

Brook- Yeah, Derek is a skin walker and the good news is that there might be a cure at the lab where the experiment went wrong but it's materials out of this world so I'm a bit curious about it and it might be able to cure Celeste sickness she's been suffering. That's just what I think but at-least it's a lead you know.

Henry- Finally good news and Celeste don't worry we'll figure something out.

Celeste- thank you so much.

Selena- Brook you said a Skin Walker, what's that?

Brook- Oh yeah, it's capable of turning humans into abominations but don't worry Derek is killing if the other Skin Walkers I actually forgot what he said but he's a good guy well monster.

Sera- Fucking Idiot.

Selena- That's our idiot leader for you.

Brook- Has anyone else realized that Selena calls me a set of different nicknames.

Selena- Yeah it's just because you're so stupid that one nickname just doesn't suit you:)

Brook- Bitch

Henry- Anyways, Brook where we're heading?

Brook - This way.

Sera- But that's the opposite direction we were heading.

Brook- Yeah , Derek said not to go that side, he's gonna kill someone name Vamp I think.

Henry- You're our boss so we'll trust you.


Brook- Celeste, Celeste, do you have any food left? I'm hungryyyyy.

Celeste- I do but you have to wait. Sera and Selena said not to give you any until we're ready to stop.

Brook- Fucking Bitch.

Celeste- Sorry? You said something?

Brook- Of course not.

Sera- Brook!

Brook- Yeah I know.

Henry- What is that?

Selena- I don't know, it's a vicious feeling.

Brook- It's not Crowley.


Crowley- You called?

Brook- Dudee? What The Hell?

Crowley- Hell has been closed for hundreds of years now.

Brook- Funny but don't pop out of no where. That's fucking Creepy.

Crowley-But you called.

Sera-Not every time we say Crowley you pop up. You've got nothing better to do?

Crowley- Actually no. That's the whole reason why I decided to help you guys out.

Celeste- Uhh, I-I-I'm Celeste.

Brook- Oh Celeste, this is Crowley. Come on Crowley introduce yourself self. Didn't your mother teach you that?

Crowley- Actually no my Mother was a witch and a huge bitch but anyways I'm Crowley the King of Hell.

Celeste- A-A-A d-e-e-e-mon?

Crowley- Nice tattoo you've got there.

Brook- Huh?

Celeste- It's nothing.

Sera- Brook there is something up ahead, it's actually like there's another Crowley.

Brook- You're right.

Crowley- I actually came here to tell you something I found out I didn't actually came because you callled.

Brook- You did? Then what you have to tell us?

Crowley- It's about Class 3.

Selena- Isn't that the one like God or something?

Crowley- I won't call it God because they're weak but it's a lot different from Class 4.

Brook- Talking about Class 4, I encountered a Skin Walker a couple hours ago.

Crowley- A leader, that's probably why you're heading the opposite direction. You were heading to Tartarus.

Brook- Yeah Derek was heading that way to take out the other Skin Walkers, he's eliminating the others and some are working with him to get rid of them, also, we heard that a cure is out there.

Henry- So, Crowley, you knew about the leaders.

Crowley- Of course I knew. You just never asked about it so you know I never brought it up.

Sera-He's got a point there.

Crowley- Back to what I was saying. It's something I never saw before but I knew what it was when the villagers told me what happened.

Brook- Dude you seriously need to stop with that fucking suspense and just tell us. Stop pausing every minute and just tell us.

Henry- Yup that's annoying.

Crowley- Its an Ectoplasm.

Celeste- I heard about that. My father used to tell me a story about that when I was kid. The Ghost and The King.

Crowley- Oh, but it's nothing like that. It have no human form at all, instead it's like a shadow with no physical body and it take orders from their leader or whoever is controlling it.

Brook- Class 3 huh? Well now we know it exists, that's fucked up.

Henry- So what exactly does this Ectoplasm do?

Crowley- Now that's very interesting. It's like a demon possessing a human but it's sort of different. When it takes over, most time it shuts down the human soul completely making it like an empty shell and there would be no way to come back or even be conscious a little bit, also, it'll take the human personality and ability or powers they have.

Brook- How do we know if they're taken over?

Crowley- Well when it takes over their eyes have a cross. The cross signifies the controller signal and it have a weakness which is electricity.

Sera- Electricity?

Crowley- Yup.

Brook- Sera you remember what my mom had in her research, it matches up.

Sera- Yes, on class 3 she had E..T..P..A..M and if you fill in the letters you get Ectoplasm.

Henry- Some things are finally falling in place huh.

Brook- Yup.