
Half The Truth

Erinys- First of all I am indeed immortal but I have also died a lot of times but there's a catch. Every time I die I don't resurrect until 50 years have passed.

Brook- It's like a spell?

Erinys- A curse from The Maker.

Brook- The Maker? That's what that crazy dude who was controlling the Ectoplasm which was possessing you said. When did you last die?

Erinys- 150 years ago.

Brook- So you know what happened 100 years ago?

Erinys- Let me explain something. 100 years ago the world was ruled by people in the World Government. Each part of the world was separated by 7 Continents.

Brook- 7?

Erinys- well little before the world got like this scientists declared 6 continents but that's not important right now. The world was beautiful and amazing on the surface but inside of that, inside of all the amazing technology,huge buildings and beautiful nature the world was a cruel place.

Brook- Worse than what it is now?

Erinys- You will think that but there in the world before it was like this, you might think it was heaven but trust me it was way worse than this. Here there are actual monsters and you could see it and know the difference but 100 years ago humans was the monsters.

Brook- I don't get what you're trying to say?

Erinys- The world was separated by continents but it was also separated by something else. The color of your skin, religions and money/power separated this world.

Brook- Okay well that's disgusting but I don't think that much changed because we are still separated by those things. We're still separated.

Erinys- I know but back then we didn't have a choice. The world would have become like this sooner or later, we just sped up the process.

Brook- So you killed of most of the population ?

Erinys- That I didn't know was going to happen. The original plan was to kill of the government officials by a bio weapon but something went wrong.

Brook- Bio weapon?

Erinys- We were instructed to build a weapon that can kill of the government and separate the world with the walls but then the weapon we built wasn't a weapon exactly it was a portal.

Brook- Portal to where?

Erinys- That I don't know but when that happened we were knocked out and then given more instructions to go to our designated areas and then the walls dropped down.

Crowley- You were given instructions?

Erinys- Yeah. Our memories were wiped from who it was but all we know was that we got instructions to follow.

Brook- Just great. Where is the next Shinokuni?

Crowley- He meant walls.

Erinys- Oh it's just right after the abandoned walls.

Crowley- Abandoned?

Erinys- Yeah it was abandoned years ago. I don't even know the name of it but the one after that is called Remus. The name of their King is Paimon, The king of Mischief. I am aquatinted with him, well was so you might have to take your chances.

Brook- Okay.

Crowley- Okay but i have a question, where did you get those chains?

Erinys- From Silvet when the walls came to be.

Brook- Silvet? Great but from what I heard you guys were manipulated into doing this. There's something I want to confirm in the dungeons so take me there.

Crowley- Erinys do know any other Celestials?

Erinys- I know Gaia and Paimon. That's the other side of the ocean. At the end of the abandoned wall you walk for a couple days, you'll see a village next to the ocean.

Brook- Okay well we'll be leaving next week.

Crowley- Why not today? We have to meet up with your friends. We only have about 5 months left to meet them up and knowing you that's a 6 month journey.

Brook- Yeah yeah.

Erinys- We're here.

Brook- You guys well the Ectoplasm, that dude and Silvet was torturing a leviathan.

Crowley- How do you know that?

Brook- I only saw this in a book but this was blood not dirty water. Follow the trail *PRESSES BUTTON* a hidden room.

Crowley- An actual leviathan.

Brook- Yes and they were experimenting and trying to make more by using it's blood.

Erinys- Leviathans are still on earth?

Brook- You know what this is?

Erinys- First time seeing one but stories said they were banished in purgatory by God himself because the guardians couldn't control all of them. It went on to say that it had a huge war between the angels and the leviathans but the angels lost so God banished them to purgatory where all the monsters go.

Brook- But didn't God create them?

Erinys- Yes he did but they were corrupted and they rebelled just like Lucifer.

Brook- And they were banished because they stood up for what they think was right.

Erinys- I've been alive a long time now and there was a lot of things i saw but the most beautiful yet the most horrible thing was Mankind growth.

Brook- Oh wow. Crowley?

Crowley- Don't look at me I've only been a demon for 500 years.

Brook- Only? Anyways I'll ask you about that later.

Erinys- We should have a banquet if you guys are leaving next week. There is a village after here about a month journey so you can go there after and then to the abandoned wall.

Crowley- Okay well I can't use my teleportation because of some kind of trap on the other side it's blocking all the usage of my powers. We'll still be able to make it on time and meet up with your team.

Brook- You're basically useless? Anyways let's go eat.

Narrator- The next couple chapters will be focused on the other members of Xcution when they split up from Brook and Crowley.

To Be Continued