

Selena- These locator devices thingy Crowley gave us is really amazing.

Celeste- How is that?

Selena- It have the names of walls and shows all the villages and things I don't understand. It also shows that Brook and Crowley have reached Romulas and Sera and Henry almost reached a village.

Celeste- It shows where everyone is?

Selena- Yeah it does.

Celeste- Interesting. Very interesting.

Selena- Yeah it is anyways we're a couple minutes away from the village we are going to.


Celeste- Guess this is the village we're going to.

Selena-The sign is completely ripped off.

Celeste- The scent of dead flesh as well.

Selena- Hmm a very good nose you have their princess.

Celeste- Thank you?

Selena- Let's go.

Celeste- Hello!! Anyone?

Man- Je re veli hrlgl.

Selena- What? The fuck you saying?

Man- Rpamj bmjvpravl. Can you understand me now lowly human?

Celeste- We are.


Selena- Celeste you okay?

Celeste- YES! *IN A SCARY VOICE* Who are you?

Man- Malphas.

Celeste- What are you doing here Malphas?!

Malphas- You!

Selena- You?

Celeste- Where's the villagers?

Malphas- Oh I not to long killed them. Sorry if you wanted to kill them first.

Selena- What? Why the fuck would we want to kill them?

Malphas- I just thought you were sent to kill all the people who had the mark of God. I was told to kill them and well I love killing pitiful humans with only source.

Selena- Source? Mark of God?

Celeste- You killed all the villagers because you were told to?

Malphas- Yes.

Selena- Demon. You're a demon.

Malphas- You are quick to catch on.

Selena- You guys kind of smell nasty and well I've been travelling with one for a while.

Malphas- Crowley right? Self proclaim King Of Hell. Oh human your demon trap is weak, You need a strong Devil's trap to hold me. Immittere.


Celeste-Malphas, who sent you!?

Malphas- My Queen, Asmodous sent me.

Celeste-Okay well you need to get out of my sight. Selena will gain back consciousness soon.

Malphas- Yes my Queen, but may I ask why are you still playing Hades' daughter?

Celeste- Playing as his daughter got me to join the Maker's favorite person team.

Malphas- Oh, you're keeping an eye on the boy with the 6 sources?

Celeste- Yes. Did my Lord give any orders recently?

Malphas- Yes, he sent Elise to kill of a village. Apparently that village is where she went when she lost her memory and taught them all of of spells and enchantments. Now she have to kill all of them she once called family. Pitiful isn't it my Queen.

Celeste- Lilith whole existence is pitiful, and she's such a bitch,but if she's on the move he must be on the move as well.

Malphas- Yes, Ken is on the move.

Celeste- Okay well leave now and I shall contact you using the static wave.

Malphas- Yes, my Queen.



Selena- Huh? Where did the demon go?

Celeste- He left but he did say something about a library. We might some clues or something there.

Selena- He just left here?

Celeste- Yes, let's go.

Selena- Yeah.

Celeste- The amount of bodies here. Malphas is cold-blooded.

Selena- He did said he just killed the people with the mark of God or something like that.

Celeste- Yes. Someone told him to apparently.

Selena- Guess this is the library.

Celeste- Yup, fun.

Selena- Let's start reading. Yayyy.