

Crowley- Why would we confront Silvet Brook? I mean we basically caught our fucking asses with him and we still didn't even grazed him.


Brook- I don't even want to talk about it. I said let's go, we go. Crowley you wanna leave, leave. If we go there we will meet the Elite 3, Silvet and might even find out the complete truth about this world and I swore on Selena's ashes that I will end this fucking world. I don't care if I have to do it alone, I'll get it done. Also I want to meet the leader of the Elite 3 and the Celestial for Tartarus.

Crowley- Easy there Brook. You seemed pissed at something.

Henry- Wow so amazing of you to notice Crowley.

Sera- Brook what's bothering you.

Brook- It's just that we stumbled upon something so big. I just thought that an experiment went wrong. Give me abominations and I'll kill those motherfuckers but The End? The Maker? Fucking primordial beings like what the fuck. I can tap into multiple sources and apparently one of them is the first ever fallen angel Lucifer. Like how the hell a normal guy like me end up with multiple fucking sources?

Crowley- You done?

Brook- Yes thank you. Wow letting that out felt good.


Henry- Wanna say something?

Sera- Yes so shut up. Brook been trying to handle all this himself and we never offered a hand. All we can do is pledge our loyalty to you and this is why I should tell you......


Sera- Brook????


Brook- I'm good , I'm goo...


Henry- He's glowing just like back then.

Crowley- Hold him down.

Sera- Crowley what's happening to him.


Crowley- He's now taking the back fire of tapping into his unknown sources without training. He tapped into all of the sources in him without any type of training and it's taking a toll on his body. He wasn't strong enough to use their power.


Sera- He's burning up. I can't even touch him.

Henry- Fuck. I can't even do a release to knock him unconscious.

Crowley- SERA!! Put him to sleep.



Henry- He fell asleep.

Crowley- Sera explain why you erased his memories.

Sera- I wanted to protect him. Seeing him like that made me scared.

Crowley- Protect him? Or protect yourself?

Sera-Protect him of course.

Henry- Crowley got a point Sera.

Sera- I was very scared okay. His eyes his aura everything was fucking scary. He don't need his sources he could learn Release from Henry or enchantments, not that set of sources he have in him.

Crowley- He would have eventually tap into that power again Sera. You just acted foolishly and cowardly by erasing his memories. That was plain upright fucking selfish. Make sure and tell him the truth because you lying to him will break him.

Henry- I agree. It was plain stupid and selfish.

Sera- I wi...


Brook- *COUGHS* I feel like shit.

Henry- You okay dude?

Brook- Yup anyways we should go.

Crowley- Glad you feeling better but does anyone know which direction to go?

Brook- Straight.

Sera- How you so sure? And how are you feeling?

Brook- I'm a million percent better and I don't know I'm just sure.

Henry- SO the village next to the ocean.

Brook- Crowley ever been to the ocean.

Crowley- Stupid question Brook. I've been to the ocean a ton of times.

Henry- Is it really salty?

Crowley- Wasn't stupid to taste it but I guess you could say so.

Sera- Is it really crystal blue and beautiful?

Crowley- Most beautiful thing you'll ever see.

Brook-Good place to have sex?

Henry- Huh.

Sera- You serious? Perverted fuck.

Brook- That's not being perverted. I'm just stating my mind.

Crowley- I agree. He's just being HONEST like people should be.

Brook- Why stretch honest like that LOL.

Crowley- No reason.

Sera- You're as fucking dumb as him anyways.

Crowley- HEY!

Henry- Crowley, I think Brook is rubbing off on you and me.

Crowley- Fuck!

Brook- Hey that's is not a bad thing.

Sera- It is.

Crowley- Yup.

Henry- Yupp

Brook- Fuck all of you guys.

Crowley- Let's take speed up a bit. There's no holy stones or anything so nothing to keep the abominations away.

Sera- There's actually a huge magic spell though.

Crowley and Brook- HUHHHH?

Henry- You've been here so long Crowley and you haven't noticed that?

Crowley- No No. I knew it had something but I didn't know it was a spell. It wasn't doing me anything so I didn't really care about it you know.

Sera- No we don't know.

Brook- I noticed it from the minute we left Shinokuni. Also the location thingy Crowley gave us just made my suspicions on what it was correct. It was a communication and teleportation spell. The Celestials from this side of the world use it to communicate to the other Celestials. They can also teleport to the other Shinokunis from this side with just changing it's chants a bit. When I used the teleportation spell to go back home I was 65% sure that it was going to work whereas the 35% was going to get us killed or make us blow up.

Henry- Can we over write this spell to communicate with each other? Or is it not possible?

Crowley- It is possible but creating a whole new spell might be better because just like we can over write it they can more than over write it as well but creating a spell or even a simple spell takes a long time and it needs powerful magic to bind the spell together. This is why back when the world was flourishing with technology it had something called cellphones.

Henry- I heard of that.

Sera- Yeah cool but I am trying to create a new spell. Myo started it and I just have to finish it off but it still will take some time.

Henry- You did mention that.

Brook- That's so awesome. Well Sera you work on that.

Crowley- Sera what did Myo taught you.

Sera- Using my emotion as magic power and enchantments.

Crowley- Okay well make an enchantment circle, well the one you've been using and cast your spell. Let all of us infuse our magic into it so no one will be able to intercept our waves when it's finish.

Brook- With all our magic infused into it no one will be able to intercept it without each of our magic power.

Henry- That's sounds good but if it's like that won't the big magic circle be the same?

Brook- It was but I have all of their magic powers.

Sera- Explain?

Brook- Henry and his father Erebus have the same type of magic power. I got Hades magic power when we shook hands he infused it within me. I only realized when we were fighting at Erinys and well Erinys give me a ton of her magic power when I left her Shinokuni. Red also taught me how to infuse power and into a paper to give someone for it to help them.

Sera- Understandable.

Crowley- Hades huh. You know I never met that guy personally. Heard he got 3 sources and is pretty powerful.

Sera- Myo said something similar to that when she training me.

Brook- Crowley how long again?

Crowley- About 30 - 40 minutes again. You guys should get your weapons ready. There'll be a ton of fighting.