Surprise Suprise

"Tch.. Inferi… Li .. Form."

The cold voice woke him up. With the light functioning as normal, he squinted to adjust to the light pouring into his eyes. Dazed from the sudden wake up call, he shook his head.

"I was wondering If I needed to waste my energy in waking you. This makes it easier for me. I am searching for someone. It would be in your best interest to answer my question swiftly and accurately. Where is Lord Momonga?"

Coming to his sense, a world class beauty was on top of him. He could smell a pleasant aroma coming from her. Her eyes inspired lust in men and it wouldn't be surprising if women felt desire too.

With a glance at her horns on her head and the black wings behind her, one can say 'As expected of an otherworldly being.' He knew and agreed to the saying, 'Beauty is in the eye of it's beholders'. Satoru's guild mates had teasingly poked at his taste in things a few times but he was confident, she was beautiful. Her white dress and gloves held no blemishes.

Her bewitching smile infiltrated his heart and would've infiltrated to his dick too. Would have, if she wasn't gripping the collar of his shirt and holding what seems to be a bardiche with her other hand.

- Wait, wait, wait Is that thing in her hand real? This must be a prank, It has to be! It must be, right!

Satoru carefully tried to move so he didn't launch her off. He didn't move. Once again using more strength. She didn't budge. Deciding to use all his strength, he couldn't lift this beauty off him nor even move himself at all.

- Eh!? I don't exercise but I don't think I'm that weak..

"I pardon for the rude gesture but I am, you see… I guess you can say running out of patience. Having to fall on top of something repulsive. I think my hands might slip at any moment if I don't find a satisfying answer that might take my mind off this annoyance. So this is the last time I'll ask. Where is Lord Momonga."

- Lord Momonga? I don't know any Lords but I do know a Momonga.

"That's me... I think."

Her eyes glared over the inferior life form claiming to be Lord Momonga. Her smile did not match her eyes. Her eyes clearly conveyed she was looking at a disgusting insect.

"Ara ara~ Please enlighten me. Tell me."

- Ara ara? Peroroncino said that phrase had a deeper meaning.. Ah what was it again? something of a predator that found her prey if I remember correctly. This isn't good!

That gentle voice contradicted her death grip on her bardiche. The squeeze was clearly audible. Sweat beaded out of Suzuki Satoru's pores. Even if that weapon was a toy, he could tell it would still be painful to take a beating from it.

"Eh- well- um you see. How should I say this. Maybe we're talking about different people. I don't know a Lord Momonga but the Momonga I know is my other name in Yggdrasil. Ah if you don't know what it is, It's a DMMO-RPG."

"Di Di M. O. Are Pi Gi? For an inferior life form to have the same name.. unforgivable! Besides unlike you, Lord Momonga's majestic sight has no flesh-"

"Ah! Yeah my avatar didn't have flesh either. Just bare bones. Although I might not be as great as whoever this Lord Momonga is! I was a level one hundred Overlord and knew a bit over seven hundred spells."

Her eyebrows arched up, a slight curios tone emitted from her vocals.

"If you are who I'm thinking of… Why would you take over this form, that of a weak race?"

"Um that is to say this is my true form? Momonga was my avatar in that world."

The lady's grip loosened on both his collar and weapon.

- She's hesitating! Her questions are confusing. Like what do you mean form! This is reality! Momonga is just an avatar in a game world. But it seems like I'm doing something right.

"Y-yeah, I was the guild leader of Ainz Ooal Gown. With a total of forty-one members, we ranked eighth place!"

The tremble heard in his voice had started to smoothen out. What was once fear was slowly being replaced with pride. Of course the Suzuki Satoru of the past would be reluctant to give out information about Yggdrasil but the game had already ended. There was no need to be secretive about information anymore. As a carbonated drink exploded due to being shaken, so did his excitement in explaining what was once or maybe still is, his passion.

"Well that was at its prime. Though that rank considerably dropped over time by the end... But! From Nine's Own Goal, the establishment of Ainz Ooal Gown, and to the very end we surely made lots of memories. We once killed more than a thousand invaders trying to conquer our base. The Great Tomb of Nazarick! Ooh. The amount of times we died trying to repel the attack. In the end those shitty Devs rewarded us for repelling them all. That was truly... fun. Now that I think about it. If they did make it past all of us, I wouldn't know how we would recover if they managed to breach the treasury and take the World Class Items hahaha! Especially if they succeeded in destroying the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. It was still in the process of being completed during the invasion but crafting that weapon was a pain. Later on we manage to fully adorn it with seven powerful artifacts. Capable of summoning primal elemental monsters. Although that's only a fraction of its power-"

With a few more seconds passing by, the sheer amount of information Satoru disclosed about the staff flowed in at a rate that could've be seen as a rambling of a mad man. With the current state he was in, it wouldn't be surprising for him to be a contender in an western auctioneer championship. He had almost forgotten of the beauty in front of him as he dug what he remembered about the staff. Sharing his every joy that he had spent with his guildmates to slave for the materials.

In a blink of an eye, the bardiche disappeared from sight. Interrupting Satoru's passionate monologue, the lady in white jumped off and kowtowed. Satoru jumped up from his seat at the deafening thud sound of her head slamming the floor.

Suzuki Satoru had lived in this shitty cramped apartment room for a long time. It was barely anything extravagant. In fact it was on the lower end of the spectrum of quality but still but he knew it was sturdy enough and did not produce noise of what a shabby floored room would. The floor creaked from the pressure she exerted against it with her forehead. A puddle was starting to form as the sobbing from the beautiful figure that soon looked pathetic, began.

"MY APOLOGIES! To be so disrespectful to the man who stands above all forty Supreme Beings, I can not possibly hope to remedy this insult I have caused!"

- Supreme Being? What's that? Who's that? Wait did she say forty… She did, than she most likely-

"I have committed a grave offense against a Supreme Being! If you so command it, I'll kill myself right here, right now. Or if it would better please you, you may cut off my head yourself Lord Momonga!"

Eh! EH! EH?!

"No! No! No! Uh- um."

- I have seen dead bodies on the street and starving children and I don't feel bad about it… but! That doesn't mean I enjoy seeing it either. I don't think I can ever eat peacefully after seeing a freshly decapitated head. Please don't. Come on, think. Think. Think.

Satoru would have written it off as a joke if this lady wasn't this intense. Even he knew that if the room was filled with a bunch of Suzuki Satoru copies, together they would not be able to make the floor croak in pain by pressing their forehead against it. His sweat glands rapidly leaked like a broken faucet. Satoru had seen many things in this corrupted world but it was his first time seeing this type of bizarre shit. He could feel the accumulated stress rising to his forehead.

- First off raise your head, it would be troublesome to clean after your dead body so can you please not kill yourself? As If I can say that! Ah what a pain in the ass. Maybe playing along would make her stop. Please stop.

"Please raise your head."

Her head did not rise at his request. Internally he begged that she would listen to his plea.

"Truthfully, I don't know if I quite understand what's going on right now. If who you're talking about is really me then I'm not sure if I'm qualified to be considered a supreme being. Um… If it makes you feel better, It would not be strange to be mistaken. Besides in this world, I have yet to meet all my friends from Ainz Ooal Gown. I doubt we would immediately know each other upon a random first encounter either. Although this might just be a misunderstanding on my part but first, can you raise your head?"

Only her head rose. The snot dribbling down her nose that seemed to still be connected to the floor and her puffy eyes strangely did not detract her beauty. It had invoked some strange feeling.

- Ah is this what they call wanting to hug a maiden in distress? Or is this what they call 'Trying to quell a crying baby'?

Satoru had avoided the opposite sex unless it was required in a working environment. The most he knew about them was from second hand sources. He wasn't confident he could overturn this dramatic situation.

"Hm, I don't mind at all. How about we start over? Let bygones be bygones."

Her slight hiccups did not stop although the streams of snot and tears did.

"I-If you so wish it to be, then it will be so Lord Momonga. Your servant is eternally grateful by your mercy!"

From the kowtow position, she managed to smoothly transition to genuflecting. Truly a superb transition while yet quite unnaturally. He could only admire the elegance in her movement.

- Huh? How did she do that? It was kind of cool I think. Ah I almost got distracted. What is her relationship with Ainz Ooal Gown? The only closest thing to a servant I can think of in Yggdrasil is a NPC. But there's no way that can happen. They're just data. She's moving and full of life… This hurts my head, I can't find a connection between Yggdrasil and her very existence as a real life demon.

With the slight passage of time, she did not speak nor move from her genuflection. Wanting something, her eyes sparkled awaiting for her master's explicit order.

- Huh Is.. Is she waiting on me?

Satoru uncomfortably squirmed in his chair. Coming to the realization that he would have to take the initiative, he stood from his chair. Grabbing two clean towels on his way towards her. With one of the towels he wiped the floor to rid the puddle of tears mixed with snot. Chucking it to the corner, he then planted his butt on the floor and faced toward her. Sitting with both his legs crossed, he did not notice her startled reaction.

He was an average salaryman. He couldn't stomach being the only person to be seated in this room. The thought of having a visitor in his place of dwelling exceeded his imagination. He hated using his money for unnecessary expenses thus he allowed his front door in the hallway to creak and all rooms to be plain.

- If I knew, I would've bought an extra chair! Well, it can't be helped.

With both hands, he gently dabbed the towel repeatedly on her face to wipe away the tears and snot. He could hear heavy breathing behind the towels. A heavy inhale and a gigantic cough. Realizing that he should've let her do this herself but he was too caught up in getting rid of her pitiful state. His body had moved without thinking.

- Did I use too much force? Does it perhaps stink? I'm pretty sure I use cleaning pods though.

"Ah sorry, does it stink? If it does let me know so I can replace it. Besides I should've let you do this yourself. I'm sorry."

"Mn-No Lord Momonga, not at all! In fact, Mn- I am humbled by your extreme kindness! Fuu~ To dirty one of your precious items for your lowly servant, how am I ever to repay your kindness!"

Although he knew she was talking, he couldn't decipher the words from the muffled voice. Retracting his hand to hear what she was saying, the face displayed before was one of which easily portrayed a state of euphoria. With a blink of Satoru's eyes, the euphoric face vanished and what replaced it was a smiling face. Was it a genuine smile or facade? He couldn't tell. With another blink, her face had not changed.

- Was I imagining it? I have been working grueling hours. Aah I'm sure Herohero would definitely tell me 'You only worked that much? I'm envious!'. Though with this whole strange situation added to it, I think the possibility of hallucinating isn't zero percent… But if it was real, is that what they call an Ahegao? Bukubukuchagama was complaining to me about a character she had to voice back then. The difficulties of voicing a character in an ahegao state was it?

An enchanting voice that held no trace of previous sorrow, brought Satoru back to the present state.

"Is everything alright Lord Momonga?"

"Ah- yes. Everything is fine. Sorry but Momonga is the other name I use. I guess you can say my true name is Suzuki Satoru."

A ping of sadness welled up inside Satoru. Was Suzuki Satoru his real name? Legally speaking, yes it was but his heart would say no. He felt more alive than he ever did when he was Momonga. No matter how conflicted he felt, he knew it wouldn't change that Momonga no longer existed. With the server shut down, his character should be wiped. It would not be proper for him to call himself Momonga if his avatar did not exist.

"Please call me by that name."

"As you wish Lord Momon- no, Lord Su-"

Being referred to as a lord irked Satoru. He was below the median for a salary man. If he was a winner in life he might have allowed it but he wasn't. His body slightly shuddered every time he was referred to as Lord. She might have been serious but, to him it cut deep as if to mock him about his shitty life.

"Please drop that honorific and-"

He slightly peaked over the world class beauty. Upon closer inspection, he realized she was about his height. Taller than the average female. Females of his ethnicity did not usually grow as tall as her.

- I feel like I've seen her before… Is she a foreigner? Well obviously she is, she's an otherworldly being.

As a salaryman, he had dealt with foreigners and were well versed enough in their culture. When it came to his work, he met the minimum requirement. Tactfully but openly contained not an ounce of passion for his work. Regardless, he still learned of other cultures. Not knowing of others' culture would make his life hard and possibly fill his client with resentment if he screwed up. If he could help it, he wanted to avoid increasing workload in the long run.

He didn't know if she held the same culture as the western arcologies. To save him the headache of playing with words to find out the proper way they should address each other he decided to use his first name as an introduction. Besides, he was done with work for the week and did not want to treat this like that especially at his own house.

"Call me Satoru."

Her eyes widened in disbelief resembling almost like a cartoon character. Startling him, she crawled into his comfort zone. Instinctively he leaned back to try and maintain distance. With both her hands on the ground, he could catch a glimpse of her cleavage at the bottom of his view. Pushing his temptation to the back of his head, he glanced to the side.

"Is that really fine? Would it not be rude to use your first name?"

- How embarrassing! I can feel my face heating up, I hope she doesn't notice.

"Yeah it should be fine... But when you really think about it I guess it'll be kind of embarrassing to have my name called out by someone beautiful."

She quickly covered her mouth and a sound of 'Kyuk!' faintly escaped her mouth as if she took a critical hit in a comical animation.

"Ah, pardon me. Since I introduce myself, would you kindly introduce yourself?"

"My apologies Sa.. Saaa.. Satoru!"

Her brightly reddened face was as bright as the apples he had only seen pictures of.

Satoru… I meant for you to only drop the Lord and exchange it for something more appropriate. Not all honorifics. Oh well not like it matters anyways. We'll probably part ways after today.

Regaining her composure, she elegantly shifted into a seiza posture.

"I am Albedo."

Albedo.. Where have I heard or seen that name?

"Former Guardian Overseer of the Great-"

The grumbling noise of a stomach echoed throughout the room. The most insincere smile Satoru had so far in his life had formed on his face. He had remembered that he checked the refrigerator earlier. It only contained a drink packed full of nutrients. He couldn't just be the only one eating, it would be too unbearable for Suzuki Satoru's conscience.

Even if there was more than one, he did not want to offer his first visitor ever to just drink vitamins and nutrients. It would be lame. Surely this should be a joyous occasion worth celebrating if one ignored the strange start of this encounter.

- To welcome my first visitor, I should grab some ingredients and cook something. Ah it's going to put a small dent in my savings... Oh well, it should be fine. Not like I have anything to spend on nowadays. Hmm should it be fine to leave her here? Who am I kidding. Not like it matters, there's nothing worth stealing here.

"I'm sorry, I will be back so please tell me more when I do return."

As he stood up Albedo grabbed the hem of his shirt. Her tearful doggy eyes raised his internal temperature and awoke the beast within him.

He was absolutely positive he had overheard his guild-mates talk about powerful poses. The Kabedon was one among the many they mentioned. This hem grabbing, puppy eye staring upwards, was one of the more powerful poses they had mentioned in the many listings they gave. Although he couldn't remember it's exact name unfortunately.

"Where are you going?"

"Eh- I'm just going to go outside for a bit. I'll be back though."

"In that case, it would be fitting for someone to escort a Supreme Being. I'll go with you."

"No. It's fine. It really is."

"Why! Is there something unsatisfactory about me? If there is, please tell me and I'll fix it at once!"

"Um well you see.. There isn't anything wrong with you. None at all! And it's not that you can't, It's- how I would say it.. Quite dangerous out there-"

"Then the more reasons why I should go with you!"

"No, it's just that I don't have a spare mask and goggles. You need these to go out there otherwise you'll most likely die. It would trouble my conscience if I let you go out there without a mask. You are my guest, I can't allow that to happen."

"Then please promise me you'll return."


"Promise me, I wouldn't know what to do if you disappeared on me."

"I see.. It'll be quite troublesome If I can't return to my own home. So I promise I will return. Hm. This is my house and I hope you could come to feel at home too. Is this how the hospitality code saying goes? Please feel free to use the restroom and whatever you need to Albedo."

The tense atmosphere released along with her hands on his shirt's hem. The acknowledgement had lessen some of the uneasiness in her heart. Albedo glanced downwards, breaking eye contact.

Shortly, a freakishly smile befitting for a demon arched up on her face. Her pupils enlarged emulating that of a predator high in the food chain. Her wings flapped skittishly. Her body trembled.

"Ara ara~"

- What is she looking at?

Following her gaze, his heart stopped briefly. As if to remind of what has been forgotten, his awoken beast that hid behind a layer of cloth waiting to pounce on its prey waved to him. His face puckered.

- How uncool! Shit! Wouldn't this be something like sexual harassment! I'm sorry!

The amount of time he took to get his clothes back on and donning the air filtering mask and goggles was absolutely wowing. Satoru was not one to be late to work. In his world, corporations ran the world. Being late to work would be the equivalent to asking for death. He did not have much experience in leaving his home in a rush. Even he was surprised at his immense speed.

Loud thudding noise bounced around in the entrance only to become silent after the front door announced his departure with a screech.