Dakimakura Pillow

Sweat beaded from the pores of a man, Suzuki Satoru. His eyelids refused to open and to get their points across to him, they bullied his nervous system. Overwhelmed by a variety of physical feelings, he wouldn't be able to pinpoint all of it. His soul felt satisfied for the first time and told him he had enough rest, but his eyes betrayed him and wanted to be spoiled longer.

His body felt a mixture of sensations varying from extreme comfort to disgust. Squinting only one of his eyes down on his body to confirm if yesterday was not just a part of his dream. Next to him, he only saw the top of world class beauty's head. He internally scoffed, It would not be exactly proper to say next. She was on him.

- Whoa! So that's why it was so damn hot! Eh? Did I strip my sweatpants in the middle of the night? My shirt too! I didn't do anything wrong right, I… I hope not!

Yes, both of these two breathing creatures were in their underwear and in Albedo's case, she had her sweat top on. He could feel that her stomach was exposed as her sweat top had ridden up her body over time. Her pale legs wrapped around him and she hugged him like a dakimakura pillow. The ungodly smooth sensation of her legs while it rubbed his own rough skin, tickled his nerve receptors.

To his dilemma, his junior was already poking her stomach at approximately seventy percent capacity. It did not help that those numbers skyrocketed as he could feel her nipples through her sweat top. That wasn't the only thing to entice him. A pair of soft large mountains pressed against him. He was extremely excited. Out of all the NPCs, Albedo's body was more of his type. Of course he would hear Peroroncino's preference in Loli but to Suzuki Satoru, Tabula had created something that would stab at his male weakness.

- I've been so busy that I haven't rubbed one off. Oh no... If she moves, I'm done for!

The thin layer of fabric was drenched from his sweat. It felt nasty and his internal Suzuki Satoru wanted to strip it off but it was the only source of defense he had right now. His brain entered civil war. His brain cells argued between waking her up or stealthily slipping out of the situation. He chose the latter.

- If I can successfully get out without waking her up then I can pretend this never happened. If this never happened then I never dirtied any of my friends' creations right?

Trying to carefully break out from her hold, he could not even move her arms.

- Eh! Then how about her legs.

Trying to part her legs, he could not pry them open.

- Ah so that's how it is... Of course I can't. She's a level one hundred tank! If she really came to this world with all her stats from Yggdrasil then there's no way I can overpower her. How dumb did I look like when I tried to push her off when she came here.

All he could do was wiggle out of her hold, hoping the sweat would act as a lubricant. He had no time to muse that he moved like a worm. Several attempts and he felt like he was accomplishing something. His satisfaction soon turned grim as the color left his face.

- My-my boxers came undone. Ah shit. I'm so fucked!

Upon his junior discovering the soft sensation of Albedo, it poured it's satisfaction in the form of liquid onto her. There was no way for Suzuki Satoru to ever hope to recover from this humiliation. He already tried to redeem himself, and his gut told him things would turn worse if he tried to fix it any more than this.

"Uh-um, um Albedo? Albedo, you awake? Albedo."

The beauty drowsily looked up, a smiling face that looked like it woke up. Although to Satoru's occupied mind, he glossed over that her smile had a faint clue of a victorious person.

"Ah, I'm sorry… whatever you come to find, can you forgive me?"

"Oh my, you mean this?"

Albedo gave their upper body space, with her hands she carefully scooped up the slimy puddle. Satoru's jaw dropped. This was the same as presenting the evidence to a criminal. Guilt welled up in his stomach.

- I'm so sorry Tabula!

"I don't mind it. In fact I welcome it Satoru!"

Her hold on him loosened, and his body shot up from the bed. Sitting in a way befitting of a sinner asking for forgiveness.

"Surely you're joking to make me feel better. I couldn't possibly hope to receive your forgiveness or Tabula."

"There's no need to apologize, you've done nothing wrong. This isn't a joke, I'll prove it to you."

Her body rose, and her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him towards her. It was fast, but Satoru did not feel any pain. Out of reflex he placed both of his hands on the bed to prevent himself from falling. He was on top of her. His eyes stared into her cat like pupils.

The hands he had forgotten about behind his neck had left. He could feel a warm pleasant touch wrap around his rod. He could only imagine that the shuffling noise right now was her removing her undergarment with her other hand. At this rate, things could only lead to one thing.

- Is she saying, she's fine with sex!

Albedo's face turned to that of a perverted old man. Satoru's mind was too boggled to notice Albedo. With a leap back, his beast slipped from her fingers. She rose up from the bed at his sudden motion.

"Huh, Is everything alright Satoru? Am I.. not good enough?"

Why did Suzuki Satoru block the sight of his lower region with both his hands? He didn't know the answer to that. It was just a human natural comfort thing, he had no real reason for it. Just an unconscious human-response to have their hands in that region to stop a surprise attack. It gave him a small sense of security even against someone so powerful.

"No-no! Albedo you're perfect! It's just that… You're the creation of my friend Tabula. So you're like his daughter, I'm not sure how he would feel if I dirtied his NPC."

"If that's so, then I feel like he would be happy to know his daughter found love and besides, whatever you do to me wouldn't dirty me at all."

"Huh, Isn't this something you do with someone you love?"

"I do love you Satoru!"

"Well, um, if that's true then that would make me extremely happy Albedo but-"

He bit his lips and let the silence fill the room as he thought of a way to tell her how he truly felt. Albedo patiently waited, ready to refute his future statements.

"I'm not sure how I really feel right now. You are extremely charming and the truth is, you're my preference in women. Only a fool would turn your advances down. But I guess I'm that fool. I love you but not in the way you're yearning for. You are a creation of my friend and that's why I love you, but so far that's it. I barely know you, and I feel you only love me because of an entity called Momonga. Do you also love Momonga's real personality, Suzuki Satoru? Albedo, I'm not saying it's impossible for us but it would be insincere if I made an advance on you right now. I do not think what you want is something superficial, I wouldn't either. If I was to do it, I want to do it wholeheartedly. Loving you for everything you are and not only just for your body."

Albedo shortly closed her mouth when she opened it to voice a comeback. Instead a smile emerged from her face as if she completely understood his words. Satoru opened the drawer and selected a fresh set of clothes.

"I'm sorry but I'll be back, I need to stop at a store to get our meals for the day. If you need different clothes then grab whatever you want from here. I'll be back in an hour or so."

Albedo nodded. The look of her smile had worried him, it was the smile of a person who had to put up with someone's shit. He had seen that type of smile many times when he worked in the office. Feigning ignorance, he quickly clothed up and left out the door. He'll leave her wrath for himself to deal with later.