
"Come on Hina! Don't let that thieving bitch take him from you!"

No, there was no such person called Hina. Albedo has binged on drama series ever since. The girl's name was supposedly Hina but it had also been Kim, Jina, Rei, and many other different names. At this point, she couldn't care less about the person's name. Ultimately she was cheering for the character or to be more precise, herself to overcome the barriers and reach a happy end.

This was the only thing she did during the day when Suzuki Satoru was not here. It wasn't pleasant that Satoru came home at inconsistent late hours. He bathed, ate together with her, and then fell asleep. When they ate together, there was an unbearable silence. Albedo wanted to pull her hair from the stress. The married life was her dream, this situation was more like experiencing a tragic divorce. To counter the stress, she took a fifteen minute interval between each episode to throw a tantrum, rolling on the floor.

Even if her heart felt like it was shattered to million pieces, she still yearned for his warmth. The thought of bothering him heavily weighed on her shoulder. When she wanted to take action, she froze in fear. Wanting to bring life into his eyes but knew it would be a fruitless endeavor. Everything was going downhill. She was ultimately stuck.

Albedo stopped waiting at the door, she knew that seeing her only brought him pain. In this cramped room, voices echoed in her consciousness, 'It would be better if I just completely disappeared from his sight'. She would've acted upon it if she didn't linger onto that faint feeling of hope.

The locks on the door opened. It was the same as the other days. With her fake smile, she puffed out her chest to welcome him. Even if she was not feeling well, she would never want to burden the man any more than he already was.

"Welcome back Satoru. You're drenched! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks Albedo."

- Did something happen?

It was unusual for her to receive a response back. Her heart rate slightly increased at the expectation of a miracle. Eyeing him as he entered and exited different rooms, he entered the bath in the end. It was obvious that he would go there since he was drenched, but she just wanted him to talk to her for just a tiny bit. Disappointed that today would just be like the other days, she continued to watch her dramas. She was ready for him at any moment if he wanted her attention. Albedo would easily forsake Hina to her demise just to have a talk with Satoru.

With him finishing his bath, they both sat at a small table he had recently bought. The table was low enough for them to just sit without a chair. She was used to the ritual and already rested both their meal portions on the table. Not knowing exactly what to feel, this situation was pitiable but it was also a silver lining. The small joy that she was a wife preparing a meal for her husband.

Hiding her disgust, the fluids entered her mouth. She underestimated the drinks. She could not come to acquire a taste for the drinks. Only drinking with the sole intention of being close to Satoru in any way. Although if she was given the option again, she would think more carefully about it. Though it probably wouldn't matter, she would most likely come to the same decision.

The longer she lived in this world, the more she believed in the truth of her master's words. Compared to her old world, this was hell. This world truly had nothing to offer. She regretted nothing but only felt sorrow that her master was living in that hell.

Foolishly only thinking that all she needed was him in order to be happy, it wasn't true. With all the time to dawdle these days, she was a slave to forty imaginary Albedo that debated on her worldly issues. All agreeing on the monopoly of Suzuki Satoru. Another issue they all came to a mutual agreement on, they wanted him to have a mutual love with her. It was only a fleeting dream. If this was all there could ever be between them both, she would adjust accordingly and eventually become content. She didn't want to settle for that just yet, there was possibility in those almost empty eyes of his. The command to disappear or die had not yet been given.

They drank silently. Occasionally her eyes checked over him but avoided direct eye contact to be mindful. Although she tried, she could not finish the drink faster than Satoru. Slurping the last of it was the indication that she was done. There wasn't anything messy to clean up but she grabbed the drinks to dispose of them. Upon accomplishing her basic task, she walked past him. He would usually immediately go to bed from here but he was still sitting down.

"Um Albedo?"

Stopped dead in her tracks, she did not look towards him in case it was just an imagination. Hesitant to respond, a whisper left those lips of hers.


"I'm sorry Albedo."

Disbelief filled her. She was just minding her business like every other day.

- Am I dreaming! To finally call my name.. What's with the sudden change of heart? What could possibly warm your cold heart? Ah! Did you see all my efforts and were so moved by it? But wait... I haven't done anything this week. That means... That means it could only be from something else! Uuuu! I'm so envious! Why couldn't it be me! Wait, actually did I hear him right? Is this just another fantasy of mine?

"Did I mishear?"

"No you didn't mishear. I'm sorry."

"How could you ever do something wrong?"

"Stop Albedo!"

He stood up. He wasn't much taller than her but she felt as if he towered over.

"I'm the one who was completely wrong. I'm very sorry."

She could feel his body had completely embraced her. Something was caught in her throat. His hold was firm as to treasure something precious.

"I saw you as my friend's daughter. Secretly I also felt more than that but I denied it. I guess I felt terrified, or maybe scared? I'm not sure how to put it... Hah- forgive me, I'm somewhat new to this type of thing. I didn't want to betray Tabula, it blindsided me. I neglected you, letting you hurt... That was actually a disservice to your creator Tabula. I realized how stupid I was being. I ignored your feelings and tried to take responsibility while my mind was clouded. I was really insincere to you. Truly another significant insult to my friend. I said some harsh things. You're free to feel how you feel."

"No, it's fine Satoru. I don't mind any of this. I'm happy you're back..."

"I could see how hurt you are behind your smile. If you're mad then tell me, if you're sad then cry, if you're lonely then let me know. Get it through my skull, no matter how many times you have to say it. Let out your anger at me if you are. Ah but please don't resort to violence, I don't think I can take one of your punches. Even if it's not to your full power."

- You should be the one telling me how you're feeling...

Teardrops uncontrollably began to pour from her. She could feel his heart pounding. Returning his embrace with her arms around his back, she would not let go even if he asked at this point. The anxiety that consumed her mental state day to day were slowly being carried away along with those tears.

"I'm not mad. I was- I was just so lonely hng-"

"I'm sorry."

She hid her face in his embrace. She didn't care if he saw her unsightly display. She wanted to hear the pounding proof that this man was alive. The organ played it's soothing music to her ears as if trying to calm her. Satoru began sniffling to hold back his tears.

Time passed quickly for this pair. Satoru had changed into new clothes but his shirt was once again drenched. He would have no mercy from being soaked until her tear gland ran out of juice.

Once things settled down, she felt soft fingers raising her chin up. The affectionate way he wiped her wet face with his other hand was comforting.

"Um, I'm not exactly sure what love is in the romantic sense. I think I have an idea, but… If it isn't too late, can I try?"

- Too late? I've been waiting forever for this!

"Yes! Yes! Oh yes!"

She stole a kiss from him in her excitement. Satoru's forehead rested against hers and he chuckled. The chuckle soon turned into laughter. Curious about what he found funny, she realized the purpose to it. His laughter lightened up the atmosphere. His acts and words this time, she could tell were genuine. She was smitten with this boy but she could no longer think like that. The boy that had been running away had become a man.

Elated on how things turned out, the smile on her face arced highly. It was a mystery about how his change of heart to accept her, came out of nowhere, but she welcomed this change with open arms. She felt her pelvic area sharing her excitement. She wanted to keep it a secret since right now felt like an inappropriate time. Conflicted between being a bother and his request to tell him how she felt.

- If I asked again this time, would it bother you? No, a good wife must be able to trust her husband's words!



"I'm feeling excited."

"Hm? About what?"

"To make me bluntly say it, I didn't know you were such a bully Satoru~ Not that I mind it. I want to have sex with you."

"Eh! Ah, um. I see."