A grand throne towered magnificently within the huge immaculate room. It was no surprise that it overshadowed its surroundings. It was one of the few artifacts within the strongest tier known, World Class. It would be the first thing to be seen when entering the throne room.

The sight of forty two flags dangling could be noticed. Each flag is unique. The most notable flag was the one that dangled above the throne, symbolizing the unity of all the smaller forty one flags, Ainz Ooal Gown.

Today would be different than a usual day. The throne that was usually unoccupied was now being used today. Upon the throne that instilled intimidation onto those before it, seated an imposing individual. An Overlord, the pinnacle of undead beings and the one who united all forty powerful beings.

Together Albedo and the Pleiades genuflected with their heads bowed down in the presence of their almighty Master. They could not see him unless they raised their heads. Awaiting for the orders from the Ruler of all Supreme Beings, time slowly flowed.

Albedo did not dare to look up and the Pleiades shared the same feelings as she did. It was not normal for their master to order them around. They had always caught a slight glimpse of this particular Supreme Being multiple times, but he had never bothered paying any attention to them. Today of all days, he had ordered them to 'Stand by' and 'Bow down'.

Albedo usually felt empty inside but today, she felt a surge of life coursing through her. She felt she was energized to her full possible capacity. Her heart pounded. After seeing Momonga quite a few times since her creation, she memorized the sight of his back when he walked around in urgency with a sense of purpose.

As Guardian Overseer she was a high level servant who was created with the intentions to aid the Supreme Being administer the Great Tomb of Nazarick. She did not have the exact knowledge of the Tomb's funds like Pandora's Actor did but what she did know was that the reason her home had been able to continue to exist was solely due to Momonga. Had he disappeared like the other Supreme Beings, the tomb would slowly crumble and wither away. He was the breadwinner.

She admired him greatly, but now that he interacted with her today, she was absolutely sure that she did not only greatly respect him but she was also deeply in love with him.

- How foolish of me. I should have realized this was love! I'm so overjoyed, he finally talked to me! Does this mean he has finally come to see me as a woman? Ah~ the way he said 'Bow down' was so cool~ Truly befitting of a ruler. Ah I mustn't get distracted! Concentrate Albedo. You need to be ready at all times. Ready at all times.. Ara, but what should I do if he asks me to meet him in his chambers? Fufu… Ah! Concentrate Albedo… concentrate…

Albedo was a demon, specifically a succubus. She did not need to rest. She could not speak for some of the Pleiades, but surely their devotion to the Supreme Beings would surpass their physical wants. She was confident they could await their masters prophecy.

Time was slow but the servants of Ainz Ooal Gown were well disciplined when needed to be. Especially when it came to the gods. They waited for hours in the same position, their determination to show off their loyalty was impeccable.

- Ah Lord Momonga, please bestow us your words. You're just right here and I can't even get the chance to see your wonderful appearance! That pains this maiden's heart.. Can I take a little peek to quell this longing for you? Just one look. Just once should be enough right?

Albedo sneakily shifted her eyes toward the mighty being. She knew the position she was bestowed upon her as Guardian Overseer was of utmost importance. Her actions reflected that of those that stood above her, she could not disgrace them and act however she wanted. She wore a facade and she was quite proud it would not break it. However, her face contorted in agony.


The Pleiades all shifted their attention towards the disturbance. What they saw was Albedo rushing to their master Momonga. Momonga's head was slumped. He was an undead so he could not truly be dead, but the appearance they saw was devoid of all life. His body was like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

The Pleiades quickly rushed to her side, surrounding her as she lifted Momonga's body in a bridal carry. She was confident in her decision making. Her creator had created her to be so. She needed to make a decisive decision here as the one appointed above all her fellow peers.

The only conscious man here, Sebas Tian, was in charge of the Pleiades. The right protocol would be to relay orders to him and then he would then relay orders to his juniors. Now was not the time for that and she was also above him in the chain of command. She would not apologize if their feelings were hurt due to that.

"Sebas! Relay to the Floor Guardians other than Victim and Gargantua, to gather here in the throne room immediately. Tell them to leave their vassals and tighten security. Do not tell them of what transpired here. We do not truly know what they may do if they knew. I will be in Lord Momonga's chamber to monitor his health and protect him against any possible threat. Come get me when they have all appeared."

Floor Guardians never left their floors and thus she never met them. She knew they existed from her administration menu but on a personal level, she did not know them. They were an unknown variable and until she confirmed their loyalty lied in the right places, she would not tell them.

"Understood, Albedo-sama!"

Sebas was an elegant man who exuded a gentleman's vibe and followed that protocol. Even so, he did not bow. He knew time was an essence and vanished from sight. He did not use spells to vanish, but it was his immense athletic power that was too quick for the average eye.

"Yuri, take Solution and Shizu with you. Cordon the ninth floor's entrance. Do not allow anyone to leave or get in, other than the Floor Guardians and obviously Sebas. Be prepared to give up your life to buy time."

"Yes Albedo-sama, we will gladly give our lives for the Supreme Beings!"

The three beauties disappeared. The other three Pleiades maids awaited for their directions.

"Entoma, you will be the link between us and Yuri if anything happens. Do not attempt to fight, report it to me immediately and depending on what it is, I will come in person."


The maid's lips did not move to match that cute voice. A bug with wings descended from some place beyond Albedo's peripheral vision and took Entoma away.

"You two will come with me. When we get to the door, Narberal you will be posted outside the door. Stay alert and let us know if you witness anything. Lupusregina, you will come into the chambers with me and assist me in determining Lord Momonga's present condition."

The two maids nodded their heads and simultaneously spoke.

"Understood Albedo-sama."

"We will immediately make our way towards Lord Momonga's chambers now. Keep up."

Sprinting for the chambers, she kept her pace slow so that both Naberal and Lupusregina could follow along. Some parts of her master's body dangled from her arms. She was not careless in holding him, he was just too big for her to tuck in and cradle his entire body like a baby. Though some parts dangled, he would not fall nor slip off her arms. She would never allow it either. She would've rather died than accidentally drop him.

Passing around a corner, Albedo met eyes with a surprised penguin. More precisely, a rockhopper penguin known as Eclair by the residents of Nazarick. In that brief moment, she shot a death glare at him. Eclair, who just happened to be walking to conduct his usual cleaning, could feel the immense murderous intent within those eyes. He immediately knew she would kill him if he gossiped this tragic news.

"Ah- How could I miss it. That spot over there is dirty."

Eclair turned around and headed the opposite direction. He wanted to take over Nazarick but he could tell now was not the time unless he wanted to end up missing secretly at the hands of Albedo later.

With the room in sight, Naberal opened the door for Albedo. Shutting it after both Albedo and Lupusregina entered.

Albedo gently laid her master on to the bed. Pulling up her administration menu she quickly scrolled through the massive amount of names. Straining her eyes to spot her master's name through the scrolling mess of letters.

"Lupusregina, begin assessing him and let me know what you find."

Lupusregina nodded and immediately started her process. Albedo could see his health and mana pool but she was a tank. It would be safer to ask the opinion of a healer that was more specialized in that field. If she knew this event was to happen, she would've had Pestonya on standby. Unfortunately, her master did not bring her with him to the throne room earlier. All she could do right now was to pin her hopes onto Lupusregina's decent abilities as a healer. She knew healing magic should not be used on the undead but that didn't mean Lupusregina as a healer couldn't find some sort of problem with him.

With seconds ticking away, Lupusregina was sweating in fear. Would Albedo snap at her findings? That thought raced in her mind.

"Uh, Albedo-sama?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"I can't find anything wrong with Lord Momonga's body."

Albedo frowned. The straightforward tone she soon used, relieved some of Lupusregina's fear.

"I can't find anything either. His name shows up like any other name on my menu. There isn't any abnormal status in effect. He seems to have a high health and mana pool right now as well. I don't know what to make of it."

"Oya oya, perhaps Lord Momonga is resting?"

Lupusregina suddenly felt a chill to her body. Albedo had simply glared at her but the annoyance inside her projected out.

"Lupusregina, I'm sure you're aware undead do not rest. Now is not the time to play around."


"Your presence here is no longer needed. Stand outside with Narberal Gamma."


Lupusregina slowly walked out with her head hung dejectedly. The sight of her could invoke the same feeling of seeing a whimpering puppy.

To some spectators who bore witness to only that very interaction, they would view Albedo as cruel. The matter of fact was, she did not hate Lupusregina or held any anger towards her. She just did not want Lupus to see what the highest positioned servant in Nazarick would soon become. She was a very prideful existence.

Hiccups left Albedo's body and her beautiful face squinted. The facade she held up since the discovery in the throne room, was crumbling down rapidly.

"Hng- Hng-"

Tears streamed down her cheeks. To her, crying was an easy thing to do. If she needed to act, she could pull it off with ease. Other than that, she did not genuinely cry. There were times when she was sad, like the thought of being abandoned by her creator but she did not cry. These tears streaming down were indeed genuine. These tears were directed towards the pitiful state that laid on the grand dark purple bed. Her intuitions knocked on her guts, and presented a statement, specifically a death notification. The master's body will never move again.

"Lord Momo-momo-Momonga, if you're really asleep then please wake up. The Great Tomb of Nazarick needs you. I need you. Please don't leave us like the others. I'll do anything. Anything at all! If you need your loyal servants to go out and gather resources in your stead to keep this place running then we'll do it in a heartbeat. If you don't want the Great Tomb of Nazarick anymore, then take us along with you wherever you want to go. We'll abandon it all just to be with you. If you're too tired then you just only need to say the word! Hng-"

She buried her face into the bed, next to his lifeless body to prevent her sobbing noise to travel out the door. She knew the possibility of the two maids overhearing her pathetic pleas. Was she lucky that her immensely broken heart led her cries to be inaudible even if she chose not to bury her face? She wouldn't know how to immediately answer either.

- Are you like this because of the other Supreme Beings? To burden you with what should've been accomplished by forty other perfect-like beings?

A loud thunk that shook everything reverberated throughout the room, her fist had slammed onto the soft bed. If it was a normal bed, it would've shattered apart by the sheer raw power of Albedo but, it didn't as it was made from the finest materials in Nazarick's ware.

- If that's true, then I'll immediately denounce them from my heart! To heartlessly toss you into this state! They're all traitors! I have no need for them! No! The Great Tomb of Nazarick has no need for them! I will never forgive them even after my death.

With a decent amount of time, the fury cooled down in Albedo's heart. That smoldering ember of hate would not be blown out, but it was within a reasonable degree. Albedo wiped her drenched face with her forearms.

She tucked the blanket over him, ensuring he laid in such a way befitting of a king above all kings.

- I, Albedo swear upon my name bestowed upon me by my creator Tabula Smaragdina.. In this lifetime of mine, I will find a cure for you. If the cost is my life or even the entirety of Nazarick, then so be it.

With a hardened resolve, she checked over herself to make sure her appearance was befitting of an Overseer. A light knock pounded on the door. Finished with the touch up of her appearances, she coughed to straighten out the possibility of her voice being haggard.

"Come in."

The door opened. A gentle looking man with white a beard emerged from behind that door. His sharp and well groomed facial features held that of a serious person.

"They are all waiting in the throne room, Albedo-sama."

"Good. Then Sebas, I will brief you on the way on what my intentions are and how we should handle them."


"Now then. Let's go."