Bonus Chapter

Looking up to the sky, the man who looked like a knock-off detective could see the many droplets that fell. Those droplets should've scorched his eyes, but his goggles shielded him from the harmful effects. The rain would not ease up. The door behind him had completely shut. A steady light illuminated this dark street.

- This sign was always flickering. Now it wants to work properly, how peculiar.

His strides towards the 'Distress call' were wide but he did not run. He already predicted what the problem was. The only thing that filled his thoughts was his encounter in the cafe.

- What a strange man. That guy sure looked suspicious. He had eyes that looked completely guilty. Using that drink story, I expected him to freak out like a criminal. Instead, he wanted to talk about Yggdrasil. Hm, that guy kind of looks like Momonga. I can see him worrying so much over that game. Well it has been a long time so I can't really make out the details anymore… but there's no way right? Well, It doesn't matter. I'm busy right now. Maybe I'm losing my touch in judging people… Hah- if only saving people was common sense in this world, that would be nice.

It was one of his favorite lines to say in Yggdrasil. He wanted to be a hero but unfortunately real life wasn't so kind to heroes. Being a hero only brought self satisfaction, nothing more.

- It's been a long time since I said something worthy of a hero, how nostalgic.


A shout muffled by the rain's dance, came from an alleyway. He immediately knew it was the cause of the distress call. Taking a sharp turn into the alleyway, he saw two suspicious men and a man in a business suit. The man was entrapped in this dead end.

The business man's hands trembled as he held the kitchen knife. One of the two suspicious men immediately backed up when the victim clumsily slashed in the air. They were hesitant as they did not want to get cut in this weather. The rain would contaminate their wounds and they would need to go to the hospital.

The man's eyes were filled with relief that help had arrived. His stance became more confident.

"Sir! It's a good thing you've come, Mr. Tanaka is giving us a tough time."

Tanaka's eyes widened, shocked by his pursuers words, his legs began to quiver once again. Arriving at the scene, the knock-off detective was not here to save Tanaka from being pursued. He was here to clean up after his incompetent subordinates.

"You guys can't even deal with someone of this caliber? Hah- I'm not a sir right now, use the code names we came up with."

- This is why you'll always be rookies.

"I'm sorry Touch Me-san, it's just-"

"I get it, you're scared to compromise our mission and leave records if you go to the hospital. It's a safe move but you'll need to learn how to deal with a situation like this."

Freaking out that more evil men arrived to chase after him, Tanaka charged towards Touch Me. Touch Me knew that Tanaka was confident that the others would move out the way from observing their reactions earlier. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Tanaka sprinted with his hand that held the knife fully extended out.


Touch Me did not make way for this clumsy man. With one of his hands, he grabbed Tanaka's wrist that had the knife. He was commonly praised for his motor-like reflexes, this was an easy feat for him. With his other arm, he drove the bone of his forearm into the man's triceps. Touch Me twirled his entire body with wide arcs, coming to a full rotation two times. One of his legs shot out in front of Tanaka's legs.

With Tanaka's momentum used against him, the added momentum in circling around Touch Me's body twice, and the leg that blocked his own legs from trying to regain stability, he ate the pavement. The mask snapped off and the profile of his face abrade against the rough surface. The acidic water seeped into the torn skin, eating away at the exposed flesh.

Not letting up, Touch Me manipulated Tanaka's joints and secured the man's arm in between his legs. His entire weight dug into the downed body, locking the man in place. Tanaka screamed in agony as Touch Me twisted his wrist in ways it was not supposed to bend. Dropping the knife, Touch Me took possession of it.

This all happened in a flash and contained no awkward movement. With the knife in one hand, Touch Me drove that knife into the jugular of Tanaka. Blood squirted from the neck, and Touch Me could hear the man choking.

Touch Me watched the terrified eyes that were fading away. He did his research on this man. The man had a family just like him. How many kids he had, who his spouse was, and his social connections, Touch Me knew it all. It was not out of respect or mercy. He needed to know how many people to silence forever. He would have to tie up the loose ends later. The thought of wiping an entire bloodline did not change his heart rate. When he was a rookie, this disgusted him but with time, he became desensitized. The only annoying aspect nowadays was the paperwork that would soon lay on his desk and having to fiddle with it to trick the media.

- You're right. It's not your fault. You can blame the broken system we live in. Your previous company fired you but you held a high position. It's obvious. Knowing their sensitive information, they will never let you survive. You know the drill. It would be nice if there was justice in this world, wouldn't you agree? Unfortunately justice won't feed my family. It's nothing personal.

Confirming that life had disappeared from the corpse, he stood. The homicide evidence that splattered on his clothes, quickly washed away from the rain.

"Contact our client through an encrypted message that the deed has been done. You, clean up this mess. I have to tie up the loose ends."

The two men jumped on the task they were given.

"Touch Me, can't we just leave this body here? There's dead bodies in the other alleyways, can't we just let the rain eat it like the others?"

"This is why you'll always stay as a rookie, kid. Our team took this task. What if our department receives a missing person report. Everyone will be tasked to find this body. If the other teams found this, they'll have to send it straight to forensics. Who knows what kind of crazy evidence they'll find tracing back to you. If it blows up on global media, I'm sure the department wouldn't mind disowning you. The corporations would feign ignorance. In the best case, you'll become a prisoner. I'm sure you're aware how that life would be like."

"Ye-yes! I'll take care of it immediately!"

This was normal in his daily life. He had done more atrocious things than this in his life. He took no pleasure in this, if he could have it another way then he would. He was just a government lapdog who's leash was pulled by the highest bidding company. This was the way in which law enforcement lived. Without corporate funding, he and other government personnel would lose their jobs.

This memory would blur into his many atrocious deeds, though the encounter at the cafe would stay with him. Such a strange conversation that deviated from all his usual encounters.

- Momonga... It would be nice if you were doing fine. I hope you never stumble upon something you shouldn't see. To kill another friend would leave a bad taste in my mouth for quite some time.