„Lucah, Mark my words I will send you to the deaths of hell!"
„I can't wait to tell father about my time here and about Ashai!"
Maylea was finally returning home after a long day, she father must be very worried about her, hopefully Krýo neró told him the reason of her absence.
Maylea soon saw the figure of the cottage in the distance of the lagoon. Maylea flew down there and landed on the dock, transforming back to human before her feet touched the wooden dock.
Maylea opened the back door of the cottage and entered, it was quite, not a sound was made. Maylea expected her father to welcome her back, he must've been asleep by now anyway.
Maylea thought it was still bester check on her father, she looked in his room, he was not there, perhaps he was in Maylea's? Only one way to find out.
Maylea entered her room to find her father on the ground, Maylea's eyes went wide and ran up to his limp body.
„Father! Father!"
Maylea turned his body over to find a deep stab wound right in the center of his chest, blood was on the floor and his clothes and now on Maylea's hands.
„Father! Please, please don't be dead! I can heal you!"
Maylea proceeded to put her hands on the stab wound and tried her best to bring him back to life, her magic entered his body and healed it from the wound.
„Father, your okay now! Father?"
His body was still motionless, Maylea put her head on his chest and looked for a heartbeat, he was already dead.
Maylea kneeled down before her father, not wanting to accept his death, it was like another dagger had stabbed through Maylea's heart. He was supposed to be alive!
Maylea buried her tear-stained face into her father and cried, she cried and cried. Maylea had already lost her real parents, now he was gone. It was like Maylea was destined to be alone.
Maylea told Krýo neró about the devastating news, sadness had flooded his heart too. Krýo neró comforted Maylea toothed best of his ability, he let her cry and sit on his back.
Maylea and Krýo neró decided it was best to burry him under wär in the lagoon, so his body could become one with the lagoon.
Maylea and Krýo neró then said there prayers for her father and sat by his grave till the sun came up again.
The lagoon was no longer the same with out Kiam, it was just a sadder place to be, Maylea didn't want to live in the cottage anymore, the cottage where her father was killed.
Krýo neró Said That Maylea could live underwater in his shipwreck and Maylea agreed, it was her only and best choice.
Maylea sat at the cottage deck one last time before she left to go live with Krýo neró, she wanted to know who killed her father and why, who else knew where she lived and hated her guts?
It couldn't be Ashai since he was with Maylea the whole time, she only told two people where she lived.
Maylea's eyes went wide, it was Lucah that killed her father! He hated her from the very beginning and left after lunch, after she said her location, but why kill her father? Or was he never after her father, Lucah probably expected Maylea to be home by then but she wasn't, so he killed her father. But why? Was it after what she said to him at lunch about the ambush? He lied to her so something was up, Maylea knew something was up and that could affect Lucah. Lucah killed her father because she knew to much. It was all Maylea's fault.
Maylea began to cry again, it was her fault that her father had died, she should have been more careful around Lucah, no it wasn't her fault. It was all Lucah's fault and he deserves the most painful death imagined. Maylea was going to personally slaughter him.
„Im going to kill the one who killed my father"
Krýo neró heard what Maylea said to him, he knew she was not going to rest till she stain her hands with his blood.
„I'm that case... stay here" said Krýo neró, he slithered deep into the water and care back with a dagger. The dagger was pure silver and with a black handle. Maylea took the dagger, this was the weapon she would use to kill Lucah, but Lucah was still Ashai's brother, he wouldn't be very happy with Maylea killing his brother.
Maylea had to go tell Ashai about the news, how she was going to kill Lucah no matter what and it was just a warning for Lucah, his father manipulation wouldn't be able to stop his death from lying in Maylea's hands.
„Lucah, Mark my words I will send you to the deaths of hell!"
Maylea told Krýo neró she was leavening now, but it was very windy. Krýo neró Said that she would ride on his back to the palace and he'd tell Ashai and Maylea can go find Lucah.
Maylea agreed to the idea, she didn't even think straight anymore, the idea of lucah's death had corrupted her mind. Maylea pictured every little moment of his death and his cries for mercy then remind him of her father.
Krýo neró lifted his body out of the water, this full twenty meter length was now visible, he was so long that it was scary, perhaps he could also help kill Lucah too.
Maylea hopped on his back and held on tight, he was still a little bit wet but that didn't bother Maylea.
Krýo neró started to fly off into the sky to the direction of the palace, Maylea looked back behind her and said a silent goodbye to her father and the cottage.
Maylea knew he would be watching over her from up above, perhaps he would tell her real parents all about her, she would free Kiam's spirit.
„You will be avenged father, I promise"