Chapter 135: Whereabouts

The Changlong Emperor also said that Hua Qiyue must come forward within ten days, otherwise the whole Hua family would be killed by the Palace Guards.

The news caused turbulence in the whole continent. Everyone knew that Hua Qiyue was a remarkable woman, but she suddenly became a great enemy of the imperial dynasty. It could be seen that she was too abnormal.

Old Madame Hua was so angry that she was ill in bed. And Hua Liting produced pained looks. In the past, when she was proud of herself, he warned her not to be too high-profile, otherwise it would cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, this time troubles really came to her. The Emperor had issued an order to kill her. It seemed that it was really difficult for Hua Qiyue to recover from this.

The relationship between Yun Shimo, the Prince Nan, and Hua Qiyue was private. However, when the Palace Guards went to check Prince Nan's mansion, there were just empty rooms left.

The tall tower in Prince Nan's mansion, no matter what the Palace Guards did, they could not open its gate. Instead, they were rebounded by a mysterious force. Some were seriously injured and some disabled.

There was a mess in the capital city. But there was fragrance in the temple of Princess Huiya. Princess Huiya was sitting in her study and concentrated on drawing.

There was only one figure in the picture. People couldn't find whether the figure belonged to a man or a woman, but the figure was tall, standing against the wind, with black hair flying, and the background was a vast snowy mountain.

She was drawing in the study alone. When Princess Huiya painted, she did not like anyone to disturb her.

When Princess Huiya made the last stroke, the window creaked and a dark shadow slid in.

The man's hand covered her mouth to prevent Princess Huiya from crying out.

"Princess, it's me!" A low voice came. Princess Huiya was relieved. When the man released his hand, she looked back with love in her eyes.

"Your… your eyes…" Princess Huiya was shocked to see that there was only one eye left.

"Princess, this was the curse of the First Prince! I also did not know why I was locked in chains by them. I had no choice but hurt both of us. And now the Emperor is letting Palace Guards and Qi Artists to capture me, so it is inconvenient for me to show up!"

Shui Qianruo said in a low voice and there were fierce murderous feelings in his eyes. "I didn't expect that the First Prince would destroy one of my eyes! I will let him return this favor slowly!"

Princess Huiya sighed, with a little heartache, and looked at Shui Qianruo. He was haggard and awkward. "You haven't eaten or slept well these days? There's a soup I cooked in the kitchen. I planned to send it to you, but this thing happened."

Shui Qianruo felt warm in his heart and nodded, "I want to drink the soup cooked by the Princess herself."

Princess Huiya's eyes reddened slightly. She stood up and asked the maidservant outside to bring the soup. After the soup was brought, Shui Qianruo drank a big bowl of it awkwardly. He stared at the princess's charming body with the only one eye.

"Princess…" Shui Qianruo put down the soup bowl. He couldn't stand his appetite any more and even wanted to have sex with her in the study. So he reached out his hand and took the princess to his embrace, intending to kiss her with hot lips.

Suddendly, there was something cold on his neck. He was shocked.

Princess Huiya left his arms quickly. She retreated several steps, her expression suddenly cooled down and the tenderness in her eyes gone.

"Shui Qianruo, long time no see." A woman's cool voice came behind him.

"Hua Qiyue!" Shui Qianruo breathed surprisedly.

Hua Qiyue snorted coldly, holding a dagger that injected powerful spiritual energy. Her eyes flowed. "Of course, it is me, I guess you didn't expect it? It's me who made you and the First Prince turn against with each other. So what? Would you jump and bite me?"

Hearing her words, Shui Qianruo was frightened and angry. He was about to release poisonous smoke with his left fingers. Then Hua Qiyue grinned coldly, "Shui Qianruo. You can put poison on me. But you must remember that all the poison was ineffective for me, and only the Princess will be poisoned."

Shui Qianruo thought she was right then he put down his hand obediently.

After all, it was not worth to poison his woman instead of her.

"Princess, why do you treat me like this? We're getting married soon…"

"Bah! Who wants to marry you? Look at yourself in the mirror. You're such a mummy, and still a big poisoner… Shui Qianruo, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart if I, Huiya, don't tear you to shreds!" Princess Huiya said cruelly, with pain and disgust in her eyes.

The man she hated most had taken her first time. How could she not be pained because of that? Of course, the backstage manipulator must be the Queen!

Shui Qianruo looked at Princess Huiya in shock. She must have woken up long ago. And then she worked with Hua Qiyue to deal with him?

When he thought of this, Shui Qianruo looked at the princess vacantly, "Princess, one night of love is worth a hundred of friendship…"

Princess Huiya was excited. She pointed at Shui Qianruo and scolded. "You, a poisoner scumbag, if you hadn't taken my first time, how could I live in pain day and night! Infanta, immediately subdue him!"

Receiving the command, Hua Qiyue immediately used her final hit, "Soul Death Incantation!"

Shui Qianruo only felt that his two souls and two spirits had been pulled away, and his whole body was soft. He couldn't control his hands and feet, but knelt down in front of the princess.

No longer begging for mercy, he looked at his most beloved woman absently. He was slapped by Princess Huiya several times; instead of feeling pain, he only sensed the endless pain in his heart sorrowfully.

In spite of the enormous evil, his love for Princess Huiya was real. Although he got her by dirty means, the endless love in his heart, at this moment, had become his mournful memory.

"Princess… whatever I have done, I love you with all my heart… I would like to die under your sword. In this life…I have no regrets!" After he finished speaking, Shui Qianruo just felt that all his strength was drained and he fell softly on the ground.

He, a country's great poisoner, had such a fate in the end.

Hua Qiyue breathed a sigh of relief. She was also afraid that this person would be too difficult to deal with and would disturb the princess' mansion. It was unexpected that he was so tractable that he did not have a direct conflict with her.

Probably he was afraid of hurting Princess Huiya.

"Princess Jinghua, leave this man to me. My brother is waiting for you in the backyard." Princess Huiya said quietly. Hua Qiyue nodded. Now the situation was not good for her, because she was sneaking into the princess' mansion at this time.

After Hua Qiyue left, Princess Huiya asked her people to drag Shui Qianruo down to the Celestial Prison. And Princess Huiya made a request to the Emperor to let her handle Shui Qianruo in person. The princess was going to kill her husband, which was a big news in the Changjing Kingdom.

Of course, the Emperor allowed her to do so, which not only could strengthen the national prestige, but also show the princess' majesty.

Hua Qiyue sneaked in the backyard, and saw Huangfu Shenglin drinking alone there.

Flower shadows lingered, and the moonlight was cool.

Hua Qiyue jumped down softly, then said with a chuckle, "Eleventh Prince, long time no see."

The Eleventh Prince, Huangfu Shenglin, stood up quickly, "Infanta, long time no see."

Huangfu Shenglin's eyes were full of complex light. He poured a glass of wine to Hua Qiyue and said softly, "Infanta, now Your Majesty and Father had issued a killing order to arrest you. You must be careful."

Hua Qiyue nodded faintly, "I know that. These days I have been in Red-crowned Crane Mountain. There was plenty of anima energy, which was a good place for practise. Of course, I will save the people in Hua's Mansion in ten days."

Huangfu Shenglin shook his head, "The Qi Artists send out by Your Majesty were very high-ranking. It is not easy to take people away, I'm afraid. What's more, you're not alone, that's why I'm so worried about you."

"What happened with the First Prince?"

"The First Prince lost his fighting spirit because of a half-body paralysis. But Queen Liu will not let him go. If the First Prince can ascend to the throne, then she would have real power in her hands, and she will be able to play as she wants," Huangfu Shenglin said coldly.

Hua Qiyue frowned lightly. Queen Liu's ambition really knew no bounds. The First Prince was just like an invalid. How could she still want him to fight for the crown to be the new Emperor?

However, although the First Prince was disabled, if he had the power, he could protect the Liu family well. After all, the Emperor had wanted to eradicate the Liu family for a long time.

"Prince Nan is lost. I have been searching for him for a few days, but I failed to find him." Hua Qiyue sighed lightly, "I heard that Prince Nan's mansion was surrounded, but is that true?"

"That's true, but there's a mysterious tower in the mansion. It can't be opened anyway. Prince Nan should be hiding in it, refusing to come out," Huangfu Shenglin answered.

"Then just do as we originally planned. The First Prince is disabled, but Queen Liu will not give up. You should unite with other Qi Artists to deal with her. I'll go first; go to Red-crowned Crane Mountain to find me when there is something wrong!"

Hua Qiyue said. Then before Huangfu Shenglin responded, she bathed in a flash of moonlight and disappeared in front of Huangfu Shenglin.

Huangfu Shenglin sipped the last bit of wine in his glass and sighed softly, saying, "There were too many strange women since ancient times, but I didn't expect to meet one. What a great chance!"

The next day, when the Emperor was reading memorials in his study, Huangfu Shenglin asked for a meeting.

The Emperor allowed it. There was a terrified look on the Eleventh Prince's face as he said, "Your Majesty and Father, there was one thing that I wondered whether to say or not."

"Say it."

"Your Majesty and Father, I once saved Hua Qiyue's adoptive son, Tianci, so she regarded me as her benefactor. Last night, she barged into my mansion and told me that she was in the Red-crowned Crane Mountain. She said if I was in danger, I could go there to find her."

Huangfu Shenglin said carefully. He was afraid that the Emperor would be angered.

"Where? Red-crowned Crane Mountain?" The Changlong Emperor twisted his eyebrows. The mountain was very dangerous and ordinary people could not enter. But it was not difficult to go there for someone of Hua Qiyue's realm.

"Your Majesty and Father, if Hua Qiyue really returns to the capital, I'm afraid that a large number of innocent people will be hurt. But if we go to catch her in person, taking the initiative and holding the opportunity in our hands, it would be much better!" Huangfu Shenglin proposed carefully.

The Changlong Emperor nodded his head and looked at Huangfu Shenglin lovingly. "Shenglin, it's not your fault, but… As her friend, you can stand on my side. I'm very gratified!"

He was old. Although he had taken Universe Revival Pellet, his body was not as good as before. It was better for him to give his seat to others earlier, and he could keep fit without anxiety.

"Your Majesty and Father, this is what I should do," Huangfu Shenglin said immediately.

"You can leave now. I will order Palace Guards to surround the Red-crowned Crane Mountain first and choose the right time to move. You should practice carefully this time, to avoid unexpected incidents, or to master the secret of self-defense."

The Changlong Emperor exhorted his youngest son, and his eyes were full of hope for the future.

"Yes, Your Majesty and Father! I'll heed your orders!"

Huangfu Shenglin promised. The Changlong Emperor asked him to take his leave, and immediately ordered the Palace Guards and Qi Artists, which surrounded the Hua's Mansion, to move toward Red-crowned Crane Mountain.