
Within the [Cloud of Dreams], Heron doesn't only get to distort all the senses of her enemies but, she also gets a multiplier for her attributes and skills. At the time she also decreases the same things mentioned for those marked as her enemies. Hence, Sylph should've been greatly weakened but, that was not the case.

The female elf was oozing with power. In fact, even with her decreased attributes, she was still stronger than both Heron and Morpheus. The female elf was clothed in lightweight armor, not the same villainous looking one that the generals have in their [Primal State]. 

Sylph's armor looked more regal and elf life. With carvings of vines and leaves that could be seen on the plates of her armor while, her helm allowed her to see but also covered the whole of her head, preventing any attack to hit it directly.