A Chance Encounter

"How did it go rookie?" The mannequin asked him as soon as he entered the room. The male mannequin was nowhere to be seen and, she was mopping the white stains on the floor while she also seemed to cook at the same time.

"She got her shots on time ma'am thank you for your concern." Zeke replied, looking at the cauldron and seeing a hand sticking out. 

The female mannequin immediately caught his eyes and moved the hand inside. As if the whole incident didn't even happen. She spun it around a couple of times to ensure that the hand won't get out again or, any of the other body parts for that matter.

"That's good. You should get some shut eye then. It's your first day in the stronghold and we don't want to tire out our newcomer." She said, leaving the mop resting on the side of a table while she went to a nearby cabinet. There were again a lot of different knives stored but, behind this, there were actually keys being hidden.