I am Chaos

"Is this really what you want kid?" Sylph said, with both her and Quinn ready to bout.

The [Rift] was in the middle of the two who prepared to duel things out. Of course, the elf still has no idea what it is that Quinn was planning. But one thing was certain. It involved abandoning his team. 

This is something which Sylph finds distasteful. She knows that there is a deep bond shared between the elites. After all, they shared the same fate. So she also knows that whatever it is that caused Quinn to make this decision, it probably wasn't voluntarily made. Someone or something has forced Quinn and, the elf knew that it had something to do with the difference in Quinn's aura as soon as he got back.

"It's fine you won't allow me either way so it's better if I use force to get what I want right?" Quinn said in reply.