Future plans

"Hey, Xin I heard that your grades came in what are your grades here let me show you mine hump." she passed me her grades which showed all A's and one A-minus in physical education. " Now let me see yours" while having a smirk on her face.

" I don't have them, mom does ask her for them," I said then I start to eat my dinner while trying to ignore my sister.

"Xin has a D and a C for his grades with two A's," my mother says while glaring at me most likely mad still. My sister then starts to burst out in laughter saying how dumb I was. I was very angry so I stood up and walked outside towards the local park to clear my head and organize my thoughts and future actions. Suddenly, my phone vibrated letting me know that money totaling 8 million and 200 thousand has been deposited into my Swiss bank account.

The first thing I need to do Is move out and get myself a place to stay so I can work on my future actions without being bothered. The second thing I need to do is buy a good computer and a server so that I can make online software so that I have a product so I can start a company. The third thing that I need to do is figure out how to upgrade my Authority level in the system and unlock new knowledge and skills. Sigh* I get up from the bench in the park and walk towards the store to buy a computer so I can buy an isolated house. I walk into the tech store and buy a laptop that costs around 1,000 dollars.

I then used it to find and buy a house well a mansion that cost me 5 million dollars it was located near the black bear forest and was reasonably far from neighboring houses. It was built in the 1980s for a logging tycoon and has been retrofitted for isolation from others just like how I wanted it to be.

I paid 300 thousand for it to be renovated with new furniture and a better Internet connection. The real estate agent said that everything would be done and I could move in 2 days so rented a hotel room for those days and started my project.

I decided to make a new programming language first as it would help with security breaches in the future and I would help me better understand the limits of my programming skills. So first I had to make a new language it was hard very hard it took me 3 hours to make 26 new symbols replacing the English language. After I completed my new programming language I used it to make a new video game and use it to start my empire in the entertainment industry. I decided to make an RPG open-world game with a map size 10 times larger than the earth and u decided to call this game 'Fantasy' as I will utilize people's hunger for the unknown and unexplained. I decided that there would be 4 main species, Human being one and Demons being the second, and Spirits being the third. Last is non-Humans such as elves and beast kin.

Every species can evolve into a different life form and race has there, their class system and technique that goes with it. After I was done setting up the framework of the game it was already 1 in the morning and I was hungry so I ordered some food and watched some tv while using my phone to do research into the gaming industry and see if I could change things around to make it more appealing towards the masses but before I can take the next step I need a server and more storage drives as mine is about to be full.

Yawn* I rest my head on the pillow looking towards the ceiling and ask the system " how do I upgrade my authority level and unlock new knowledge and technology."

[Host can upgrade authority level with Black Tech Points 100 is needed to upgrade to level 2]

"what're my current points that I have"

[Host current points are 0]

[Host can exchange 100 thousand dollars for 1 point and 1 point for 10 thousand dollars]

"Snow (systems new name) I'll deal with this tomorrow." I then close my eyes to sleep for tomorrow so I can wake up fully rested and energized.