Farewells (Part 1)

The second prince's bedroom was larger than mine, and frankly quite simpler in design. It was filled with neutral colors and minimal furnishings. In truth, I felt that the bright room looked more comfortable than my own lavish and heavily decorated royal chambers.

I was sitting on a two person round table by the window. Although the window appeared to be wide and people outside could seemingly easily see us, I knew it was magically enchanted so that no one could view us from outside. So, I wasn't too concerned as I sat there, facing my brother.

The flutter of pages being turned was the only sound in the large room. I felt a drop of sweat glide from my temple.

'This is it,' I thought. 'Prince Clement will be the first person to know about this being my second life...'

He coughed a little as he closed the letter, gracefully folding it back into a neat rectangle. There was silence in the room as I sat and waited for his reaction. His face while reading my letter was so stoic I could easily see him being our father's son.

"So..." he started, which promptly made me sit up even straighter. "This letter. You wrote this, right?"

I gulped as I nodded seriously. "Yes, Second Prince Clement. All the information I have put in there is the truth."

He finally showed some emotion on his face, and it was filled with incredulousness. He sighed as he massaged his head. "And this... about you actually coming from the future?"

I breathed in deeply. "All of it is true, brother."

His head was bowed low and it made me anxious when I couldn't see his expression. I made to stand up and approach him, but he seemed aware of my intentions and raised up a hand to stop me.

I sat back down with a little cough. "Do you doubt me, Prince Clement?"

With his head still bowed down, he answered wearily, "How could I not doubt this, Elle? It's the stuff from fairy tales."

I managed a smile. "But fairies did exist once upon a time."

He huffed a little and finally looked at me. "This is complete and utter nonsense... but, knowing you, I don't think it's really out of the picture."

Feeling a slight hope, my smile grew wider. "So you do believe me?"

"Hardly," he said, bringing up a hand to slide it across his face. "But it does help explain your great intelligence and magic power."

I nodded. "Besides, you would know this is all true by next week."

He nodded, catching on to my meaning as he stared at the paper. My first prediction placed inside the letter was of the Mond Empire's sudden announcement of becoming an open nation to all types of commerce. I can recall it happening vividly in my past life because our nation benefitted greatly from that announcement. We suddenly had more spices on the table, and our merchant classes continued to rise as they widened their reaches towards the south part of the continent.

"A week later, you will know for sure that all I say is true," I told my brother confidently.

"I see," he answered, nodding as he placed the letter into a padded richly brown box. I felt, rather than knew, that it was magically protected. "Then I should properly keep this safe from peeping eyes, dear sister. Who knows what evil persons would do if they get hold of this information."

"Thank you for trusting me, Prince Clement." I bowed towards him gratefully. "But, there is more for me to say. And this I cannot afford to write on paper."

He nodded slowly. "I suspected something major must have urged you to divulge these information to me. Go ahead then, I promise this room is adequately protected from eavesdroppers and spies."

Still, I leaned in closer to whisper in his ear. "I am leaving the palace, brother. For good."

I felt him flinch in shock, but I continued on. "With you as my imperial witness, I declare that Princess Eleftheria of Saule be relinquished of her seat as first princess, and therefore be ineligible to fight for the crown. Ha... Not that I had any chance to rise in power, anyway..."

"Why..." my brother whispered, his eyes squinted as he stared at me in confusion.

I smiled gently, knowing that he would understand immediately. He didn't let me down.

"House Genta..." he realized. "You're escaping to save your life."

I nodded. "It may not be now, but I know they'll be after me. I may not lose my life, but I might as well be dead."

"I understand, but to leave..." The prince shook his head. "How would you even survive?"

"Don't worry too much, brother." I reassured him with a pat on his hand. "Miss Hestia will help me out. She's wanted by House Genta, as well. Anyway, I can always come to you if need be, right?"

He smiled. "Always, Princess Elle. But I won't approve of you losing your throne."

That came as a shock. After all, I didn't think my chance for the crown would even be worth anyone's care. "I'll end up missing or dead in the records anyway."

He shook his head. "You're of royal blood, Elle. No matter what, you'll always have a chance to become the ruler. I'll do my best to ensure that when you return, you can have your seat back."

"I..." I didn't really know what to say. After all, being a princess was never a good thing aside from the good food and the good clothes. Regardless of my inner thoughts... "Thank you, brother."

He nodded curtly. "Now, when will you leave? Will you need my help to escape? I can-"

I raised a gloved hand up. "No need, Prince Clement. Miss Hestia and I have it covered. Besides, Prince Ara will have all of your movements watched. If you make a suspicious move now, I believe I would have lesser chances of succeeding in my escape."

He hesitated at first until he eventually agreed. Before long, it was time for me to leave. It was nearly three in the afternoon, and I had one last person to see.

"Farewell, brother." I curtsied by the door, etching my brother's face into my memory. He was always just too cute... Gone was my image of him being gloomy and being a worse version of my eldest brother. No, frankly, he had always been the better person even in my past life.

He smiled sadly, and before I knew it, he had grabbed me into his arms, gathering me into a warm hug. "Please, take care out there, Elle. The outside world isn't as good as it looks like from up here on the castle."

I nodded slightly, returning the hug. "I know, brother. I know."

"Stay alive, Elle."

I nodded. I definitely wanted to live long.

"And be happy."

It took me a while to nod to that too.

"I love you."

I only hugged him tighter. I never knew I had grown this close to him. He had grown a lot since the trip to the Empire. He had become so much smarter and stronger.

"Get the crown, will you?" I goaded him as I hid my face on his chest. "I've given you so many cheats already."

I felt his body heave up and down in laughter. "Alright, Elle. For you, I'll do just that."

Before long, I had kissed him goodbye.

After a few more minutes, I had composed myself again and was standing in front of another person. The last hurdle before I could leave the palace in peace.

I curtsied just like how she had taught me in the past. "Greetings, Miss Quisling. I hope this lesson will be a good one as well."

She smiled sweetly. "Good afternoon, Lady Elle. I hope so too."