Chapter 78 : Silver Fury

"Devis is dead? Just like that?" Rock stared in utter astonishment at the body of his comrade that laid on the floor.

Devis was an expert player and even though he wasn't the strongest of his rank[1], he was an undeniable expert player. Yet still, he couldn't last against Sato; even worse, he perished under 3 moves.

Even though this could be attributed to Devis placing most of his attribute points in [Agility] and [Dexterity], he still had at least 100 HP. Adding in the attributes gotten from his defensive equipment and the rest, among which his short sword was a level 5 Upper tier Mortal rank weapon, Devis should have lasted more than 3 strikes. Even a level 5 elite monster or a level 6 common monster couldn't achieve what Sato had done.

'Is he a demon?!' Rock stared at him with fear in his eyes.