Chapter 93 : The Heart Of A Man Is Vile 3


Sato took a step with his right leg and was about to dash towards when he abruptly moved his body towards his left.


An arrow fleeted past Sato at high speed. If Sato was but a millisecond slower, he would have had an arrow sticking through his face.

'He's fast, much faster than before.' Sato was alarmed but later on he understood the reason why. They had just defeated the boss and everyone had levelled up recently. As a ranger, Dream Tiger would focus most of his attribute points on [Agility] and [Dexterity], with a bit of it in [Strength]. This would not only increase his attacking speed but also his shooting accuracy.

'I haven't even made use of mine yet...' Sato smiled wryly but still kept his attention on his opponent.

After Sato had dodged his first attack, Dream Tiger wasn't disappointed but actually surprised.

'He only reacted at the last moment. It seems that his [Agility] is lower than mine' Dream Tiger grinned inwardly.