Chapter 126 : Meeting Yato

(AN: Errors may exist since I couldn't correct it in time...)

[[ System notification :

Logging out from Infinite Real…

Disconnecting from the Heavenly System Universal server…

Disconnecting Neurolink…

Awakening process beginning...

Prepare in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ]]

"Huff...This time was a bit better than the last." Sato blinked as he relaxed his breathing and heart rate.

After the battle with Blood Sword's team, he and Fudo had both returned back to Riverdale Town where they both rented out a hotel room each, before logging out of the game.

5:16 pm Saturday 22 July 21** [1]

Glancing at the projected screen from the cubic display unit beside his bed, Sato sighed. Though only a day had barely gone by, he had experienced a lot of stuffs. From the goblin war to Black Grill's Cave, to the ambush by Blood Sword's team, it was a day filled with action-packed adventures and fun.