Chapter 154 : Speculations

"How much longer~?" Fudo cried out while walking.

"Can't you be quiet just for a sec?" Yato said.

"Don't blame me. The map said we were close but we've been walking for a long time already now." Fudo replied.

Hearing his words, Yato couldn't retort them as he knew that what Fudo spoke off was true. It had been at least one hour since they had defeated that squad of kobolds. According to the map, they were supposed to be close to the exit but they had been walking for an hour and had yet to spot it. Even though with the descent of each floor, the space increases a lot, they should have already reached the exit point already. Hence it would be a lie to say that Yato wasn't a bit worried.

"This place is weird." Xue Yan suddenly said as she stared at the walls.

"Why do you say so?" Fudo glanced at her.