Chapter 163 : Life Order

*Thud* *Thud*

With loud footsteps that seemed to proclaim the descent of an Emperor, a 3 metre tall Kobold walked towards the tall statue in the centre. As it passed the other kobolds, a majority of them failed to reach up to its waist. Even the tallest amongst them could only reach up to the upper part of its chest. 

"Is that the world class boss?" Fudo asked with surprise.

Unlike the other kobolds that looked like lizard-men with lean muscles, the huge monster had a hulking physique with buff muscles that threatened to burst through its flesh. Together with its exaggerated height, the kobold could be deemed to be a towering monstrosity of stupendous strength. One look at it and one would feel their will to resist quickly decrease, like a lit match stick being quenched with a bucket of water. Even the other kobolds were scared by this anomaly of their race, as they gave way for the gargantuan to pass through till it reached the statue.