Chaoter 172 : Azure Dragon's Frustration 2

"What did you say?!" Azure Dragon asked with a surprised tone.

"The kobolds, the kobolds look to be heading our way." Ore replied.

"...are you sure?" Azure Dragon asked hesitantly. He already knew the answer to his question but he couldn't resist asking it.

Ore replied him "At least, 70% sure captain."

Having received an answer to his question, Azure Dragon frowned in thought why wondering how things had ended up this way.

'Wait a minute..!'

Azure Dragon hurriedly asked, "Ore, are the monsters heading here on their own accord or are they being lead over here by someone else."

Ore turned his attention from the screen, looking elsewhere. He narrowed his eyes as he kept staring at that place till he suddenly spoke up.

"Yes! I think there's someone there."