Chapter 178 : Hidden Featu

As the kobold guard quickly approached him, Sato realised that he had only two choices he could make. One was to abandon his weapon and retreat immediately. A second had already gone by and the cool-down was already off his skill. With the aid of [Sprint], Sato believed that he would be able to widen the gap between himself and the two monsters.

The second option, was to battle it out here. With his weapon clamped in the palms of the kobold chief, this seemed impossible. Even more so was the fact that the kobold guard's strength would probably be higher than his. Without a weapon, he would surely be at a disadvantage in the brawl.

No matter how one thought, the first option seemed like the only reasonable one. But Sato wasn't inclined to give up that easily.

'But what can I do...' Sato's brain hurriedly began processing at a very high speed.

Suddenly, in that very nanosecond, he came up with a very absurd idea.